Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Student Led Conferences

Parents, please remember that student led conferences are Tuesday(Jan. 26) and Wednesday (Jan. 27) from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Conferences are done in an open house format, so stop by and see how your child is doing in school. Hope to see everyone there.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Update (January 25 - 29)

Monday - Urban Sprawl - Start Portland, OR
Tuesday - Urban Sprawl - Finish Portland, OR
Wednesday - Urban Sprawl - Start Toronto, Ontario
Thursday - Urban Sprawl - Finish Toronto, Ontario
Friday - Urban Sprawl - Start Atlanta, GA

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekly Update (January 18 - 22)

Monay - Go Over Test /Introduce Chapter 5
Tuesday - Geoterms 5 (Due Wednesday)
Wednesday - Start 5.4 Urban Sprawl in Portland, Oregon
Thursday - No School
Friday - No School

Monday, January 18, 2010

Chapter 3 Test Results

Study Guide Signed / Study Guide Not Signed

A 25 students (58%) 15 students(22%)
B 7 students (16%) 21 students (31%)
C 10 students(22%) 15 students (22%)
D 1 student (1%) 6 students (9%)
E 1 student (1%) 11 students (16%)

Total Passed = 83%

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekly Update (January 11 - 15)
Monday - Canada's Economic Activity
Tuesday - Global Connections (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Study Guide / Word Sort (Study for Test)
Thursday - Jeopardy Review for Test (Study for Test)
Friday - Chapter 3 Test