Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekly Update (Sept. 27 - Oct. 1)

Monday - 1.7 Earth & Sun (Due by end of class Wed.)
Tuesday - 1.8 Map Projections (Due by end of class Wed.)
Wednesday - Activities 1.7 & 1.8 / Ch. 1 Study Guide (Test Fri.)
Thursday - Jeopardy Review (Study for Test)
Friday - Chapter 1 Test

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homecoming Dress Up Days (Sept. 27 - Oct. 1)

Here are the dress up days for next week.  Remember, this is an Advisory competition.  Everybody needs to participate.  :)

Monday - Wacky Hair Day
Tuesday - Sports Wear Day
Wednesday - Make your own Super Hero Day
Thursday - Dress like a Staff Member Day (Be nice to me)
Friday - Blue & White Day

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekly Update (Sept. 20 - 24)

Monday - 1.3 Map Titles & Symbols (Due End of Class Friday)
Tuesday - 1.4 Global Grid (Due End of Class Friday)
Wednesday - 1.5 Dealing with Distances (Due End of Class Friday)
Thursday - 1.6 Hemispheres, Continents, and Oceans (Due End of Class Friday)
Friday - Complete Activities 1.3 - 1.6

Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekly Update (Sept. 12 - 16)

Monday - Introduction to Geography Alive (No HW)

Tuesday - Gold Mining Activity (No HW)

Wednesday - Introduce Chapter 1 & Essential Question (No HW)

Thursday -  Introduce Geoterms 1 (No HW)

Friday - Complete Geoterms 1 (Due Monday)