Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekly Update

Monday - Introduce Chapter 3
Tuesday - Geoterms 3 (Due Wednesday)
Wednesday - Canada Game:  Population
Thursday - Canada Game: Language
Friday - Canada Game:  Climate

U.S. Mad Minutes are happening this week.  Students need to study and know where the 50 states are located.  A link to the 50 states game is found on this blog.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

U.S./Canada Mapping Lab Test Results

Grade                  Study Guide Signed                  Study Guide
   A                              33  (70%)                            37 (57%)
   B                                9 (19%)                             13 (20%)
   C                                3 (6%)                                  9 (14%)
   D                                1 (2%)                                  2 (3%)
   E                                1 (2%)                                  4 (6%)

Total                      47 (42% of students)           65 (58% of students)

93% of students passed this test

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Parents,

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and be thankful for what you have. One of the things that I am most thankful for is my job. I get to go to work every day and work with students that make me laugh and smile. I get to watch learning happen and be a part of new understanding. I love my job and I love working with your children. I am truly thankful to be teaching in Sparta. Enjoy your time with family and friends this Thanksgiving.
Mr. Tidey

Weekly Update (Nov. 22 - 23)

Monday - Jeopardy Review (STUDY FOR TEST)
Tuesday - U.S. / Canada Mapping Lab Test
Wednesday - No School
Thursday - Eat lots of turkey!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Weekly Update (Nov. 15 - 19)

Here is the plan for this week.
Monday - Canada Mad Minutes / Start Challenge #3
Tuesday - Canada Mad Minutes / Finish Challenge #3
Wednesday - Canada Mad Minutes / Start Challenge #4
Thursday - Canada Mad Minutes / Finish Challenge #4
Friday - Canada Mad Minutes / Complete Challenge #5

The Mapping Lab Test on Canada and the U.S. will be next week Tuesday.  Students have received a study board with name tags that they may use to study.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Camp Pictures


Here are just a few of my favorite camp pictures.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly Update (Nov. 8 - 12)

Monday - Student Led Conference Prep / Cornell Notes on Canada & US (No HW)
Tuesday - Finish Cornell Notes on Canada & US (No HW)
Wednesday - Challenge #1 - Canada & US (Due Thurs.)
Thursday - Challenge #2 - Canada & US (Due Fri.)
Friday - Challenge #3 - Canada & US

Students have a map of Canada in their social studies folder.  Next week, we will start Canada Mad Minutes.  Students need to know where the 13 provinces and territories of Canada are located.  There is a link on the blog to a game that students can use to practice.

Student Led Conferences This Week

Student led conferences are this week Tuesday (11/9) and Thursday (11/11) from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.  Please plan on attending conferences with your child.  Students will be sharing their work with you at the conferences.  Teachers will be available to answer questions on how your child is doing in class.  We hope to see everyone!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Theme Basket - Silent Auction

During conferences this week, Meet in the Middle holding a theme basket silent auction.  My advisory class did an awesome job and was able to create three baskets.  Our theme was "Spartan Pride".  Below is a list of what is included in each basket.  Check out all of the baskets at conferences and don't forget to bring your bidding spirit.

Basket #1
Creveling’s Restaurant $45.00 certificate, Nail Tex Sparta $15.00 certificate, Family Video $5.00 gift card, Sparta Lanes - 2 Passes ($8.00 value), Sparta Football Shorts ($12.00 value), Sparta Football T-Shirt ($12.00 value), Sparta X-Country Long Sleeved T-Shirt ($15.00 value), Sprint Car Phone Charger ($37.50 value), and a Sprint Wired Headset ($20.00 value).
Total Basket Value $175.00

Basket #2
Big Joe’s Restaurant $35.00 certificate, Studio G - 1 Month Unlimited Tanning ($30.00 value), Sparta Lanes - 2 Passes ($8.00 value), Sparta Football Shorts ($12.00 value), Sparta Football Under Armor Sleeveless ($20.00 value), The Club - Body by Verdugo T-shirt ($15.00 value), 2 - Sprint Car Phone Chargers ($75.00 value), and The Club - 1 Month Membership ($30.00 value).
Total Basket Value $225.00

Basket #3
Jacobsen’s Floral & Greenhouse -$25.00 certificate, Studio G - Free Haircut ($14.00 value), Sparta Lanes - 2 Passes ($8.00 value), Sparta X-Country - Long Sleeve T-Shirt ($15.00 value), The Club - Tank Top ($12.00 value), Sprint Car Phone Charger ($37.50 value), Sprint Wired Headset ($20.00 value), and Sundaes @ the Park $5.00 certificate.
Total Basket Value $140.00

Chapter 2 Test Results

After each test, I am going to try and post the results.  I am hoping to show students that it pays off to study.  Here are the results of this test.

Grade              Signed Study Guide                                       Not Signed Study Guide
   A                         34 (58%)                                                            25 (43%)
   B                         12 (20%)                                                            12 (20%)
   C                         12 (20%)                                                            17 (29%)
   D                           0 (0%)                                                                2 ( 4%)
   E                            1 (2%)                                                                2 (4%)    

Total Students to Pass = 97%
Total Students to Fail = 3%