Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas! Ok, Let's Hear About the Presents

It is that time.  I want to hear about the presents you received from Santa.  What was your favorite?  What did you get that you weren't expecting?  Publish them here for all to read.

See you soon,
Mr. Tidey

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Weekly Update (Dec. 14-17)

Monday - Snow Day :)
Tuesday - Global Connections / Canada Movie (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Jeopardy Review (Study for Test)
Thursday - Chapter 3 Test
Friday - A little Holiday Fun

If you have not done so, please send in $3 for the pizza party on Friday.  Students need to turn the money into their last hour teacher.  Study materials for the upcoming test are found in the links section of the class blog.  Students also have a study guide in their social studies folder.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Report Card Envelopes Coming Home Today

I just wanted to let everyone know that report card envelopes are coming home tonight.  Please look these over and talk with your child about their successes and things that need improvement.  Have them set an academic goal for the 2nd trimester.  Write it down and post it on your refrigerator.  Talk about it often. 

You will also find a note about our upcoming Holiday activities.  We are planning a pizza party on Friday, December 17.  We are asking each student to bring in $3 to cover pizza, pop, plates, napkins, cups, etc.  We will be watching a holiday movie in the afternoon on Friday, too.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weekly Update (Dec. 6 - 10)

Monday - Canada Game:  Language
Tuesday - Canada Game:  Climate
Wednesday - Canada Game: Buildings
Thursday - Canada Game: Economic Activity
Friday - Global Connections / Study Guide

*We are quickly finishing up Chapter 3: Settlement Patterns in Canada.  The Chapter 3 Test has been tentatively set for Tuesday, December 14.  Please make sure that your child is studying for this last test before Christmas Break.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Good Things

Since I am not at school for a few days, let's hear your good things on the blog.  Post it here.  Remember, it needs to be positive things going on in your life.  Here is mine.

My brother-in-law finished his first Iron Man Triathlon in Cozumel, Mexico this weekend.  He finished the race in just over 12 hours.  He swam 2.3 miles, biked 100 miles, and ran 26 miles.  Now that is a race.  I would have died after the first 20 minutes in the ocean.

Let's hear your good things.

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday.

Mr. Tidey