Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Chapter 5 Test Results

Here are the results of the Chapter 5 Test.  As you can see, test grades are lower than they have been in the past.  Please ask your child to see his/her test.  They have them in their social studies folder.

             Study Guide Signed                    Study Guide Not Signed
A                  27 (40%)                                          3 (8%)
B                  17 (25%)                                          8 (22%)
C                  14 (21%)                                        13 (35%)
D                    1 (1%)                                            5 (14%)
E                     8 (12%)                                          8 (22%)

Total Passing = 79%

Weekly Update (Jan. 24 - 28)

Monday - Chapter 5 Test
Tuesday - Intro. to Chapter 7
Wednesday - Student Led Conference Prep.
Thursday - Geoterms 7 (Due Friday)
Friday- Food Consumption

Monday, January 17, 2011

Weekly Update (Jan. 17-19)

Monday - Processing 5 (Due Wed.)  Study for Test
Tuesday - Jeopardy Review (Study for Test on Wed.)
Wednesday - Chapter 5 Test
Thursday - No School
Friday - No School

Please make sure that your child studies for the upcoming test.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weekly Update (Jan. 10 - 15)

Monday - Start Urban Sprawl - Toronto, Ontario
Tuesday - Finish Urban Sprawl - Toronto, Ontario
Wednesday - Start Urban Sprawl - Atlanta, Georgia
Thursday - Finish Urban Sprawl - Atlanta, Georgia
Friday - Global Connections

*Our next test is going to be on Tuesday or Wednesday next week.  The study guide with answers in on the blog.  Please make sure that your child is studying for this test.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Weekly Update (Jan. 3 - 7)

Monday - Intro. Chapter 5
Tuesday - Geoterms 5 (Due Wed.)
Wednesday - Introduce Planning Committee Activity
Thursday - 5.4 Portland, Oregon Activity
Friday - 5.4 Finish Portland, Oregon

Chapter 3 Test Results

                Signed Study Guide                      Study Guide - Not Signed
A                     30 (52%)                                         25 (49%)
B                     21 (36%)                                         15 (29%)
C                       6 (10%)                                           8 (16%)
D                       0                                                      0
E                       1 (2%)                                              3 (6%)

Students Passsing = 94%