Monday, February 28, 2011

Weekly Update (Feb. 28 - March 4)

Monday - 8.5 How Does Immigration Affect the U.S.?
Tuesday - 8.6 How Does Emigration Affect the Homelands?
Wednesday - Global Connections / Study Guide
Thursday - Jeopardy Review
Friday - Chapter 8 Test

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Weekly Update (Feb. 14 - 18)

I have been bad about posting this week.  Sorry.  Here is the plan for Thursday and Friday.

Thursday - Circle Map on Push Factors and 8.4 Pull Factors
Friday - Circle Map on Pull Factors and Interview Preparation.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekly Update (Feb. 6 -10)

Monday- Personal Computer Consumption
Tuesday - Gross Domestic Product (GDP) - On Your Own Activity Due Wed.
Wednesday - Global Connections / Study Guide / Foldable Study Strategy
Thursday - Jeopardy Review
Friday - Chapter 7 Test

*Reminder that conferences are this week Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.  These have been rescheduled from last week due to the blizzard.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Weekly Update (Jan. 1 - Feb. 4)

Monday - Introduce Food Consumption
Tuesday - Finish Food Consumption
Wednesday - Introduce Oil Consumption
Thursday - Finish Oil Consumption
Friday - Complete Personal Computer Consumption

*Just a reminder that student led conferences are this week Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.  We are going to try something different at conferences tonight.  The students are going to sign in on the white board in the order that they enter the class.  This will hopefully help us with knowing who to meet with next.  We will try it and see how it goes.