Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Start Texting Each Other! Ugly Sweater Day is Tomorrow

Tomorrow is Ugly Sweater Day.  Wear those ugly sweaters.  Better yet, ask you parents to borrow one of theirs.  Yes, you know the sweater. 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sparty Cup Dress Up Days

Here are the dress up days for Sparty Cup.  Make sure you text each other reminders.  Go 6th Grade!

Thursday - Ugly Sweater Day
Friday - Decades Day (Dress like the 60's, 70's, and 80's)
Monday - Beach Day (No swim suits)
Tuesday - Career Day
Wednesday - Color Day (Wear White)

Make sure you participate.  We receive points for each person participating.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Weekly Update (March 21 - 25)

Here is the plan:

Monday - Finish Challenge #3 and #4 (Study for Test)
Tuesday - Challenge #5 (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Jeopardy Review on Latin America (Study for Test)
Thursday - Latin America Mapping Lab Test
Friday - Movie "Sweet 15"

The Haiti Fundraiser is going well.  Last week, students and teachers raised over $1200.  We have a week and a half left.  Please continue to encourage your child to find a way to help.  It is always better if they have to do something to earn the money to donate.  Thanks for your support.

NCAA Standings

Here is the top ten in the NCAA tournament, so far.  Do not let Mr. Busse win.  :)  We will never hear the end of it.

1 Greg Busse 46 points
2 diane olivia saenz saenz 45 points
3 matt mauer 43 points
3 Renae Barr 43 points
3 Teegan Galdeen 43 points
6 brad rinal 42 points
6 caleb buren 42 points
6 Christopher Westers 42 points
6 Connor Willcox 42 points
6 David Hyde 42 points

Monday, March 14, 2011

March Madness Competition

March Madness is here.  We are having a student competition for March Madness.  Students need to click on the link below and predict who they think will win the NCAA basketball tournament.
Pool Password:  Go Blue

Winners will receive:
1st Place = Pop a day for a week
Top Ten = Pop

This is always a lot of fun.  Predict games based on knowledge.  I had a girl win once who picked their favorite mascot in each game.  Have you parents help.  Just get involved in the fun.

Weekly Update (March 14 - 18)

Monday - Finish Tree Maps on Inspiration
Tuesday - Present Tree Maps to Group/Challenge #2
Wednesday - Latin America Challenge #3
Thursday - Latin America Challenge #4
Friday - Finish Challenge #3 and #4

Please remember that Mad Minutes start this week on Mexico and Central America.  Students need to know where these countries are by the end of the week.  There are links to games on the blog.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Haiti Fundraiser is ON!

Today, students were finally able to meet Christina Rockwell, a former Sparta graduate.  Christina presented to Sparta students about the issues that people in Haiti face.  Now, it is time to act.  This presentation kicks off the annual 6th Grade Haiti Fundraiser.  The goal is to raise $5,000 from now until Spring Break.  We have been talking about this for weeks.  The students have been encourage to:
  • Babysit and donate the money to UMCOR or Pure Water for the World.
  • Ask to complete extra jobs and donate the money earned to Haiti.
  • Donate their hard earned money and try to get relatives and friends to match their donation.
  • Do a neighborhood pop can drive with a friend.
  • Create something to sell (bracelets, bookmarks, etc.) and donate the proceeds.
  • Find a way to help in their own way.
Please encourage your child to get involved.  Part of being an active citizen in our society is to help those in need.  Students have been told to get their parent's permission before starting to raise any money.  If you have any questions, let me know.