Monday, April 25, 2011

Canned Food Drive Ends April 29

It's time to clean out those pantries and cupboards.  Student Government is collecting any non-perishable food items for the local pantry.  Please help support this worthy cause.

Weekly Update (April 25 - 29)

Monday - Double Bubble Map on "Lorax" vs. Deforestation in Amazon
Tuesday - Start Amazon Research Project
Wednesday - Amazon Research Project
Thursday - Amazon Research Project
Friday - Amazon Research Project

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Weekly Update (April 11 - 15)

Here is the plan for this week.

Monday - South America Coloring Activity (Due Tues.)
Tuesday - Preview 12 (Due Wed.)
Wednesday - Intro. Ch. 12 / Geoterms 12 (Due Thurs.)
Thursday - Preparing for News Reports
Friday - Practice News Reports

*Mad Minutes on South America will start next week Monday.  Students can use their coloring activity to study or the link on the blog.  The link will take them to an online game.