Thursday, September 20, 2012

Edmodo - New Form of Communication

I have switched to Edmodo for a new form of communication this year.  By the first week in October, your child will bring home a password and directions specific to Edmodo.  You will need to follow the directions to sign up to follow our class.  The advantages of Edmodo are many.  Communication can happen via email and/or texting.  Information can be shared much easier.  An example would be downloading class assignments into smart phones.  Outsiders do not have access to the class.  Only those with passwords are connected to the class.  If you have any questions about the switch, please let me know.  You can contact me at

For more information visit

Friday, June 1, 2012

Final Week of School Information

Dear Parents,

The end of the school year is near. The teachers have planned some fun activities for the students and wanted to let you know our plans for the final week of school. We are asking each student to bring in $3 for pizza, pop and popsicles.  Please have your child turn the money into his or her last hour teacher by Tuesday, June 5. If you have any questions, please let one of us know.

Thanks – Mr. Tidey, Mr. Busse, Mrs. Kitson and Mrs. Spencer

Wednesday, June 6
Morning – 3 Mile Project (If qualify)
Lunch – Pizza
Afternoon – Movie Enrichment / Correctives

Thursday, June 7
Morning – Outdoor Games (GaGa Ball, Kickball, Rag Ball, or indoor games).
Afternoon – Stink Tag & Four Corner Soccer / Popsicles
Please do not wear flip flops or skirts on this day.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Weekly Update (May 21 - 25)

Monday - News Report
Tuesday - 12.9 Sustainable Development (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Jeopardy (Study for Test)
Thursday - Chapter 12 Test
Friday - Junior Achievement

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Weekly Update (May 14 - 18)

Monday - Amazon Diary Circle Map
Tuesday - Amazon Rainforest Group Rankings
Wednesday - Junior Achievement
Thursday - Fiesta
Friday - No School for Students / Teacher Work Day

Monday, May 7, 2012

Weekly Update (May 7 - 10)

Monday - Work on Amazon News Reports
Tuesday - Video Tape News Reports
Wednesday - Present News reports to Class
Thursday - Amazon Video
Friday - Junior Achievement

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Weekly Update (April 30 - May 4)

Monday - Pretest 12
Tuesday - Preview 12
Wednesday - Geoterms 12 (Due on Thursday)
Thursday - Amazon Rain Forest News Reports
Friday - Junior Achievement

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Weekly Update (April 23 - 27)

Monday - Mayan Dramas
Tuesday - Mayan Dramas
Wednesday - Junior Achievement
Thursday - Technology Day (Take Your Kid to Work Day)
Friday - Chapter 10 Test

*Chapter 10 Test will be on Friday, April 27.  Please make sure that your child is ready for this test.  The study guide with answers and Quizlet is found on the class blog.

Friday, April 20, 2012

Junior Achievement Starts Today!

Junior Achievement starts today.  Students will be studying the Global Marketplace.  Over the next six Fridays, students will be learning about the global economy around them.  The key concepts of this curriculum include:  international markets, law, cultural exchange, flow of human resources, flow of information, and flow of financial capital.  A special thanks to Michelle Byrne for taking on this program.  If you see Michelle, make sure you thank her.  The students are really excited about her coming in the class.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Weekly Update (April 16 - 20)

Monday - Finish Writing Mayan Dramas
Tuesday - Work on Props for Mayan Dramas
Wednesday - Practice Dramas
Thursday - Present Mayan Dramas
Friday - Junior Achievement

Monday, April 9, 2012

Thank You!!

I just wanted to say thank you to everyone for supporting our annual Haiti fundraiser.  With the support of students, families, staff and the school, we were able to raise over $2800.  Monies have been donated to Pure Water for the World and UMCOR - Haiti Hot Lunch Program.  To date, Sparta Middle School has raised over $22,000 to help efforts in Haiti.  Job well done Sparta Middle School.

Thanks again,

Mr. Tidey

Weekly Update (April 9 - 13)

Monday - Map & Timeline of Early Civilizations
Tuesday - Map & Timeline of Early Civilizations
Wednesday - Preview Chapter 10
Thursday - Introduce Chapter 10 : Indigenous Cultures
Friday - Geoterms 10

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Haiti Fundraiser (LAST WEEK)

This is the last full week for the Haiti Fundraiser.  Last week, we raised over $500.  Our goal for the project is $3600.  Please encourage your child to find a way to help.  I have heard many stories about baby sitting, yard work, pop can drives, duct tape folders, etc.  I am expecting a big week for money turn in.

Tax deductible donation can be made to:
Pure Water for the World and/or UMCOR

The fundraiser will end on Monday, March 26 with our annual Bubble Gum Competition.

Keep the money rolling in!

Weekly Update (March 19 - 23)

Monday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #2 (Study for Test)
Tuesday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #3 (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #4 (Study for Test)
Thursday - Global Connections / Jeopardy (Study for Test)
Friday - Chapter 9 Test

Monday, March 12, 2012

NCAA Basketball Competition

It is that time once again.  Students have the opportunity to compete in the 6th Grade / Sparta Middle School basketball competition.  Just click on the link below, register, pick your teams, and watch the games. 

Pool Password:  sparta

Prizes (6th Grade)
Winner = Pop a day for a week
Top Ten = Pop

Prizes (7th & 8th Grade)
Top Five = Pop

Mr. Tidey's Class Wins Retro Bowl

I just want to thank all of the students that bowled with me on Saturday.  We had a great time.  Our class won the middle school competition.  This gives us $250 to spend in the classroom.  It will allow us to purchase some apps and accessories for our new Ipad.

Weekly Update (March 12 - 16)

Monday - Pretest Chapter 9
Tuesday -  Introduce Chapter 9
Wednesday - Geoterms 9
Thursday - Neighborhood Visit #1
Friday - Finish Neighborhood Visit #1

Monday, March 5, 2012

Weekly Update (March 5 - 9)

Monday - Finish Challenge #3 (Study for S. American Mad Minutes)
Tuesday - Haiti Assembly / Challenge #4 (Study for S. American Mad Minutes)
Wednesday - Challenge #5 (Study for Test)
Thursday - Jeopardy  (Study for Test)
Friday - Latin American Mapping Lab Test

*24 of the 30 points on the next test will come from Challenge #1 and #2.  Please make sure that students are studying for this test.

Monday, February 27, 2012

Weekly Update (Feb. 27 - March 2)

Monday - Chapter 8 Test
Tuesday - Preview for Latin America Mapping Lab / South America Coloring Activity
Wednesday - Challenge #1 and #2 (Study for Mad Minutes)
Thursday - Start Challenge #3 (Study for Mad Minutes)
Friday - LA Country Game / Finish Challenge #3 (Study for Mad Minutes)

*Mad Minutes - Our 1st Mad Minutes Quiz will be on South America.  The quiz will be next week Monday - Wednesday.

Monday, February 20, 2012

Weekly Update (Feb. 20 - 24)

Monday - Finish Immigrant Interviews (Study for Test)
Tuesday - Emigration vs. Immigration (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Technology Day / Review for Test (Study for Test)
Thursday - Jeopardy (Study for Test)
Friday - Chapter 8 Test

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Weekly Update (Feb. 13 - 17)

Monday - Push Factors to Emigration
Tuesday - Pull Factors to Immigration
Wednesday - Prepare for Immigrant Interviews
Thursday - Prepare / Start Immigrant Interviews
Friday - Finish Immigrant Interviews

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Weekly Update (Feb. 6 - 10)

Monday - Study Guide / Quizlet
Tuesday - Jeopardy Review
Wednesday - Chapter 7 Test
Thursday - Introduce Chapter 8
Friday - Geoterms 8

Monday, January 30, 2012

Student Led Conferences

Student led conferences are scheduled for this week Thursday, February 2 and next week Tuesday, February 7.  Conference times are from 4:00 - 6:30 p.m.  I hope to see everyone at conferences.

Weekly Update (Jan. 30 - Feb. 3)

Monday - Oil Consumption
Tuesday - Computer Consumption
Wednesday - Student Led Conferences
Thursday - GDP
Friday - Global Connections

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Update (Jan. 23 - 26)

Monday - Pretest 7 / Preview 7
Tuesday - Intro. Ch. 7 & Geoterms 7 (Due Wed.)
Wednesday - How Cartograms Are Constructed
Thursday - 7.3 Food Consumption
Friday - No School (Teacher Work Day)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekly Update (Jan. 16 - 20)

Monday - Finish Urban Sprawl in Atlanta, Georgia (STUDY)
Tuesday - Global Connections / Study Guide / Technology Day (STUDY)
Wednesday - Review Game (STUDY)
Thursday - Chapter 5 Test
Friday - Introduce Chapter 7

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Update (Jan. 9 - 13)

Monday - Start 5.4 Portland, Oregon
Tuesday - Finish 5.4 Portland, Oregon
Wednesday - Start 5.5 Toronto, Ontario
Thursday - Finish 5.5 Toronto, Ontario
Friday - Start 5.6 Atlanta, Georgia

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Weekly Update (Jan. 3 - 6)

Tuesday - Pretest Chapter 5
Wednesday - Intro. Chapter 5 / Preview 5
Thursday - Geoterms 5 (Due Friday)
Friday - Assign Group Roles for Upcoming Activity