Monday, January 30, 2012

Student Led Conferences

Student led conferences are scheduled for this week Thursday, February 2 and next week Tuesday, February 7.  Conference times are from 4:00 - 6:30 p.m.  I hope to see everyone at conferences.

Weekly Update (Jan. 30 - Feb. 3)

Monday - Oil Consumption
Tuesday - Computer Consumption
Wednesday - Student Led Conferences
Thursday - GDP
Friday - Global Connections

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Update (Jan. 23 - 26)

Monday - Pretest 7 / Preview 7
Tuesday - Intro. Ch. 7 & Geoterms 7 (Due Wed.)
Wednesday - How Cartograms Are Constructed
Thursday - 7.3 Food Consumption
Friday - No School (Teacher Work Day)

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Weekly Update (Jan. 16 - 20)

Monday - Finish Urban Sprawl in Atlanta, Georgia (STUDY)
Tuesday - Global Connections / Study Guide / Technology Day (STUDY)
Wednesday - Review Game (STUDY)
Thursday - Chapter 5 Test
Friday - Introduce Chapter 7

Monday, January 9, 2012

Weekly Update (Jan. 9 - 13)

Monday - Start 5.4 Portland, Oregon
Tuesday - Finish 5.4 Portland, Oregon
Wednesday - Start 5.5 Toronto, Ontario
Thursday - Finish 5.5 Toronto, Ontario
Friday - Start 5.6 Atlanta, Georgia

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Weekly Update (Jan. 3 - 6)

Tuesday - Pretest Chapter 5
Wednesday - Intro. Chapter 5 / Preview 5
Thursday - Geoterms 5 (Due Friday)
Friday - Assign Group Roles for Upcoming Activity