Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Last Week for Toys for Tots

This is the last week for Toys for Tots! My Advisory has done an awesome job. So far, they have donated 42 toys and over $40. The students voted today to have Hot Chocolate Days for the remainder of the toy drive. For a 50 cent donation to Toys for Tots each day, they will get a hot chocolate to drink in Advisory class. Keep up the great work Advisory!


  1. Mr. Tidey that is a fantastic idea to let kids buy hot chocalate an also be donating to toy for tots!

  2. Mr. Tidey I love your blog! I checked out Miss. Makowski's Site and hers is so cool to! I got an idea from her you should post up some of the Camp pictures on your webpage like she did And also you should post up the airband if you got it on film! It is so amazing what you can do with blogspot!
    C U on Monday!

    Best Blogs ever
