Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bubble Gum Competition Winners

Here are the winners from the Bubble Gum Competition today.  Students raised over $1,000 today alone.  Congrats winners.

Fastest Bubble - Jake M., Barbie R., Mollie H., and Randy W.
Largest Bubble - Sydney R., Jonathan T., Lexi H., and Jared G.
Loudest Smack - Kyle S., Brandy O., Mollie H., and Tiffany T.
Sucker Competition - Michael S., Jonathan T., Katie R., Carley A., and Caleb E.
Most Bubbles in a Minute - Infinity T., Barbie R., Ethan E., and Jake R.
Most Gum and Still Blow a Bubble - Sasha S., Barbie R., Ethan E., and Jake R.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What are your plans for Spring Break?

The first three students to respond to this question will receive candy.  See Mr. Tidey for your candy.

Helping Haiti

I am so proud of the students in Sparta Middle School.  The studetns have surpassed their goal for this  year.  They raised more money than any other sixth grade class.  Great job 6th graders!

  • Pfahler # 1 $295.37
  • Pfahler # 2 $429.03
  • Pfahler # 3 $319.91
  • Tidey #1 $375.12
  • Tidey #2 $356.23
  • Tidey #3 $444.70
  • Tidey #4 $427.92
  • Teachers $505.00
  • School $1,519.00
  • Total $4,672.28

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weekly Update (March 15 - 19)

Monday - Complete Challenge #1
Tuesday - Present Cornell Notes on Latin America
Wednesday - Finish Cornell Notes on Latin America / Challenge #2
Thursday - Start Challenge #3
Firday - Finish Challenge #3

March Madness Brackets are Due Thursday by Lunch

If you are going to participate in the free NCAA basketball tournament competition, you must have your brackets to Mr. Tidey by lunch on Thursday.  Since the basketball tournament starts at noon, I will not be able to take any brackets after that point.  If you lost your bracket, you may print one at http://www.cbssports.com/.  Good Luck!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekly Update (March 8 - 12)

Monday - Jeopardy Review for Chapter 8 Test

Tuesday - Chapter 8 Test

Wednesday - Introduce New Region: LATIN AMERICA

Thursday - Jigsaw Activity on Latin America

Friday - Challenge #1: Latin America's Physical Features

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

6th Graders to Compete in Sparty Cup

For the first time since the inception of the Sparty Cup, sixth graders are going to be a part of the school competition. Grades earn points during class competitions throughout the month of March. Below is a list of the activities planned.

March 5th – Favorite Quote Day (Students decorate/write out their favorite quote to put on their locker)
March 12th – Hat Day (Students wear school appropriate hats.)
March 19th – College Shirt Day
March 16, 17, 18 – Sign ups for games at lunch
March 23 and 24 – Can Food Drive (Bringing in cans/boxes of food earns points for you grade)
March 23, 24 and 25 – Brain Game (One student from each grade level will be called down to compete in a research challenge in the Media Center.)
March 26 – Read a shirt day – Wear a shirt with words on it. All words must be school appropriate.
March 30 – Door decoration will be judged – Overall winner gets Sparty Cup points for grade
March 29 – 6th grade Freeze the Scene – contest judged in the gym during advisory
March 30 – 7th grade Freeze the Scene – contest judged in the gym during advisory
March 31st – Color Day (Sixth grade students wear WHITE)
Sparty Cup Assembly (1:30 p.m. - End of day)

Weekly Update (March 1 - 5)

Monday - Started Immigrant Interviews

Tuesday - Finish Immigrant Interviews

Wednesday - How does immigration affect U.S.? / How does emigration affect the countries left behind?

Thursday - Global Connections

Friday - Study Guide / Study Strategy (Vocabulary Wheel)

The test on Chapter 8 will be on Tuesday, March 8. The study guide with answers is posted on the blog.