Tuesday, March 2, 2010

6th Graders to Compete in Sparty Cup

For the first time since the inception of the Sparty Cup, sixth graders are going to be a part of the school competition. Grades earn points during class competitions throughout the month of March. Below is a list of the activities planned.

March 5th – Favorite Quote Day (Students decorate/write out their favorite quote to put on their locker)
March 12th – Hat Day (Students wear school appropriate hats.)
March 19th – College Shirt Day
March 16, 17, 18 – Sign ups for games at lunch
March 23 and 24 – Can Food Drive (Bringing in cans/boxes of food earns points for you grade)
March 23, 24 and 25 – Brain Game (One student from each grade level will be called down to compete in a research challenge in the Media Center.)
March 26 – Read a shirt day – Wear a shirt with words on it. All words must be school appropriate.
March 30 – Door decoration will be judged – Overall winner gets Sparty Cup points for grade
March 29 – 6th grade Freeze the Scene – contest judged in the gym during advisory
March 30 – 7th grade Freeze the Scene – contest judged in the gym during advisory
March 31st – Color Day (Sixth grade students wear WHITE)
Sparty Cup Assembly (1:30 p.m. - End of day)

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