Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rubber Tappers - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Cattle Ranchers - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Loggers - Misison Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Settlers - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Enviromentalists - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Native Amazonian - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information.  If you have questions, post them here.  Not sure of where to find something, post it.  If you know the answers to those questions, post them here.  Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website.  Use this tool for collaboration.  Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Creek Water to Drinking Water

For the next month, students will be making daily trips to the local creek to gather water.  Students have created a biosand water filter that they are testing out.  It takes 2+ weeks for the biological layer of the filter to become established.  Once established, this layer will clean the bad bacteria that is found in the creek water.  Students have been working hard on this project and have been having fun along the way.

Alex P. is collecting water from the creek for the biosand water filter.

Miss DeTavernier's Last Week

This is the last week that Miss DeTavernier will be in our social studies class.  I have been encouraging students to make a card or letter to give to Miss D. on Friday.  Another way to thank Miss D. is to add a positive comment to this blog post. 
  • Tell her something that you remember.
  • Tell her what you liked about her teaching. 
  • Find your own way to say thanks.

Weekly Update (April 19 - 23)

Monday - Video Clips on Amazon Rainforest
Tuesday - Junior Achievement
Wednesday - Introduce Amazon Rainforest Research Project
Thursday - Amazon Research
Friday - Amazon Research

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weekly Update (April 12 - 16)

Monday - Intro. Ch. 12 - Amazon Rainforest
Tuesday - Geoterms 12 (Due Wednesday)
Wednesday - Amazon Rainforest Group Meeting / Notes
Thursday - Start to Prepare for News Report / Notes
Friday - Finish Preparing for News Report