Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Miss DeTavernier's Last Week

This is the last week that Miss DeTavernier will be in our social studies class.  I have been encouraging students to make a card or letter to give to Miss D. on Friday.  Another way to thank Miss D. is to add a positive comment to this blog post. 
  • Tell her something that you remember.
  • Tell her what you liked about her teaching. 
  • Find your own way to say thanks.

1 comment:

  1. One thing that I really liked about Miss DeTavernier is that she always/sometimes let us work with anyone we wanted:) Another thing I like about Miss DeTavernier is that in advisory she would lle us talk to friends(sometimes if quite) and she always put on a laugh sometimes during advisory. Your going to be an excellent teacher Miss DeTavernier -Victor....Good Luck!!
