Monday, May 24, 2010

5th/6th Grade Mixer

Don't forget that the 5th/6th Grade Mixer is Tuesday, May 25th.  Turn-in your permission slip and $3 to your Advisory teacher.  This is a great way to welcome the 6th grade students next year.  Plus, it will be tons of fun.  See you there!

Weekly Update (May 24 - 28)

Monday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #1
Tuesday - Last Day of Junior Achievement (Thanks Mr. LaTour)
Wednesday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #2 and #3
Thursday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #4
Friday - Global Connections

Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekly Update (May 17 - 21)

Monday - Jeopardy Review for Test (STUDY for test on Wednesday)
Tuesday - Junior Achievement (STUDY for test on Wednesday)
Wednesday - Chapter 12 Test
Thursday - Intro. Chapter 9:  Spatial Inequality in Mexico City
Friday - Geoterms 9 (Due Monday)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weekly Update (May 3 - 7)

Monday - Introduce Amazon Rainforest Project (T-P-E assignment due Wed.)
Tuesday - Junior Achievement
Wednesday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)
Thursday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)
Friday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)

*The Amazon Rainforest project is worth 200 points in class (same as a test).  Please make sure your child is working on this at home, if needed.  If it is late, they will lose 60 points on the assignment.