Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weekly Update (May 3 - 7)

Monday - Introduce Amazon Rainforest Project (T-P-E assignment due Wed.)
Tuesday - Junior Achievement
Wednesday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)
Thursday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)
Friday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)

*The Amazon Rainforest project is worth 200 points in class (same as a test).  Please make sure your child is working on this at home, if needed.  If it is late, they will lose 60 points on the assignment.


  1. Mr. T,

    I absolutely cannot find any info on how much $$ shade-grown coffee and ecotourism makes a year. Mrs. K's essay is due Monday, but I can't finish my aper without that info. She says she has it, but I never saw it in those articles. I'm terrified that I'll fail the assignment. Please help me!!!

  2. Emma,
    Do you have the amount of money per acre that sustainable development created? The number was $2400 each acre harvested. That was in the articles. Ecotourism and shade grown coffee are both sustainable development because they make money off the rainforest without cutting it down. Hope this helps.
