Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekly Update (Oct. 18 - 22)

Monday - 2.6 Population Density (Due Tuesday)
Tuesday - MEAP Testing
Wednesday - MEAP Testing
Thursday - 2.7 Economic Activity (Due Friday)
Friday - Economic Activity Act It Outs

We will be having our second test in social studies on Thursday, October 28.  Please make sure that your child is prepared for this test.  A study guide with answers is available on this blog.


  1. Hey Mr. Tidey great job at the Spoof Assembly! Your class was really good! My Spoof was "America's Got No Talent! Do you think we did good!
    Alexis Hall

  2. Thanks for all the updates on here and updates over e-mail for all the upcoming tests next week. I really apreciate the effort you guys put in to keeping us parents informed : )

  3. Thanks for all the updates on here Mr. Tidey! And thanks for the e-mails about the upcoming tests this week, I appreciae the information : )
