The Amazon Rainforest covers more than 2 million square miles and we can keep this number high if we use sustainable development such as strip logging, which is deforesting in strips which grow back faster than clear cut areas. Clarissa and Kelly
We think that sustainable development like strip logging which is were you cut down trees in rows can help slow down deforestation because the forest will grow back quicker.
The government can preserve land for sustainable use. Sustainable use is fiding ways to use the Amazon rainforst without destroying it Mr.Jake and Mr.Mark
The government can set aside land for sustainable use. Sustainable use is finding ways to use the rainforest without destroying it. An example is rubber tapping Mr. Jake and Mr.Mark
The Brazilian government suspend logging permits in 2005. This helps with deforestation.
ReplyDeleteTeegan and Mariah
We think that the Brazilian Government helped slow down deforestion. They created two big rainforest preserves.
ReplyDeleteJalyn and Jasmyn
The Brizil government suspend logging permits in 2005.
The Amazon Rainforest covers more than 2 million square miles and we can keep this number high if we use sustainable development such as strip logging, which is deforesting in strips which grow back faster than clear cut areas.
ReplyDeleteClarissa and Kelly
Useing substable develpment will hold off deforestation. That will get you up to $6820 dollars.
ReplyDeletepaige and sarah
Protet more of the Amazon Rainforest because only 44% is protected.
ReplyDeleteMatt and Brendon
Buying products that support sustaniable development find ways to the ARF without destroying it.
We think that sustainable development like strip logging which is were you cut down trees in rows can help slow down deforestation because the forest will grow back quicker.
ReplyDeleteChris & Ben
The government can preserve land for sustainable use. Sustainable use is fiding ways to use the Amazon rainforst without destroying it
ReplyDeleteMr.Jake and Mr.Mark
Replant trees, growing crops that dont requier large areas of land to be cleared like shade grown coffee.
ReplyDeleteCourtney and sammy
Buying ice cream and cereal made with Brazil nuts.
The government can set aside land for sustainable use. Sustainable use is finding ways to use the rainforest without destroying it. An example is rubber tapping
ReplyDeleteMr. Jake and Mr.Mark
i disagree that 44% of the Amazon Rainforest is protected because the loggers cut down 200 speices of trees
ReplyDeleteTeegan and mariah
Farm a forest product called Rattan and make $3 billon in US money.
The brazilian goverment madea good move to stop deforetation in 2005 by reng loggers permits.
ReplyDeleteI think that all of you are a huge problem to deforestation in the Amazon. Americans are one of the biggest contributors to deforestation.
ReplyDeleteMr. Tidey
The Brazilian Government suspend logging permits in 2005.
The brazilian goverment made a good move to stop deforetation in 2005 by removing loggers permits.
Maybe but not as much as Cattle Ranchers. Because they cut down 38% of the ARF from 1960 to 1975.
ReplyDeleteChris & Ben