Monday, May 9, 2011

What/Who is the biggest threat to the Amazon Rainforest?

Please click on comment below and add your thoughts.  You must do the following in your response:

1.  I agree/disagree with your comment about ...
2.  Tell the audience what you think.
3.  Provide your supporting evidence.
4.  Sign your first name only.  No last names.

Ex)  I disagree with your comment about how the loggers are the biggest contributors to deforestation in the Amazon Rainforest.  I believe that the cattle ranchers are the number one threat to the Amazon.  According to my research, the cattle ranchers were responsible for 38% of Amazon deforestation from 1966-1975.

Please remember that this is available for all to see on the web.  Be appropriate.  Use correct spelling and punctuation.  This is not like texting.  Write words our completely and please be professional.


  1. We think Cattle Ranchers cut down the most trees. Cattle Ranchers they cut down 38% of trees cut down from 1960 to 1975.

    Chris and Ben

  2. We think that the loggers are the biggest threat to the Amazon Rainforest. In 2004 Brazil exported more than $5 billion worth of wood.

    Jalyn and Jasmyn

  3. I agree with your comment about the cattle ranchers they have cleared 38% of land in the ARF

    Trisha and Alyssa

  4. I think that loggers are the biggest threat to the Amazon Rainforest because, in 2004 Brazil exported more than $5 billion worth of wood.

    Clarissa and Kelly

  5. we think that the loggers are the threat because they put in 105,000 miles of road through the amazon rainforet illegally


  6. We think that loggers are the biggest threat to the amazon rainforest because the cut down trees to make roads into the amazon the cut down and there are 105,000 of roads make illegly by loggers
    Mr.Jake, Mr.Mark

  7. I think that the loggers are the biggest threat to the amazon rainforest because they used 105,000 miles worth of road.

    mr.justen mr.david

  8. We think loggers are the biggest threat to the Amazon Rainforest because they made 105,000 miles of road. Mostly made illegaly.

    Matt and Brendon

  9. We agree that the loggers the biggest threat to the Amazon Rainforest. In 2004 Brazil exported more than $5 billion worth of wood.

    Teegan and Mariah

  10. i agree we think cattel ranchers cut down the most trees because in 2003 they exported more than 1.5 billion dollars worth of beef!!!

    Courtney and Sammy

  11. We think that the cattle ranchers are the biggest threat in the Amazon Rainforest they have done 38% of the deforesting.
    Connor and Jesus

  12. 105,000 miles of road that are mostle illegal by Logers.

    Jake and Rob

  13. We disagree that loggers are the biggest threat in the Amazon Rainforest. We think Cattle Ranchers are the biggest threat because they cut down 38% of the Amazon Rainforest from 1960 to 1975

    Chris & Ben

  14. 105,000 miles of road that are mostle illegal by Logers. I think it should be stopped

    Rob and Jake
