Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Dear Parents,

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and be thankful for what you have. One of the things that I am most thankful for is my job. I get to go to work every day and work with students that make me laugh and smile. I get to watch learning happen and be a part of new understanding. I love my job and I love working with your children. I am truly thankful to be teaching in Sparta. Enjoy your time with family and friends this Thanksgiving.


Mr. Tidey

Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekly Update (November 16 - 20)

Monday - Go over Chapter 2 Test. Coloring Activity on Canada (Due Tuesday) Study for Canada Mad Minutes
Tuesday - Introduce Physical Geography of the U.S. & Canada. Study for Canada Mad Minutes
Wednesday - Canada Mad Minutes. Introduce Climate of U.S. & Canada. Challenge #1 (Due Thursday)
Thursday - Canada Mad Minutes. Challenge #2 (Due Friday)
Friday - Canada Mad Minutes. Challenge #3 (Due Tuesday - Thanks Parker!)

*If a student passes Canada Mad Minutes twice with a 100%, then they do not have to take it again.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What was your favorite thing about 6th Grade Camp? Explain

If you could change something about 6th Grade Camp, what would it be? Explain

Comment to the Camp Pinewood Counselors

Write a positive comment to the Camp Pinewood counselors. Please be positive and give them examples from your experience. The counselors were: Salamander Sean (low ropes), Squirrely Sue (mid ropes), Cricket Colina (canoeing), Billy Goat (adventure hike), Jack Rabbit John (climbing wall), and Jellyfish Jessica (mid ropes).