Thursday, November 5, 2009

Comment to the Camp Pinewood Counselors

Write a positive comment to the Camp Pinewood counselors. Please be positive and give them examples from your experience. The counselors were: Salamander Sean (low ropes), Squirrely Sue (mid ropes), Cricket Colina (canoeing), Billy Goat (adventure hike), Jack Rabbit John (climbing wall), and Jellyfish Jessica (mid ropes).


  1. i love the nature names i could remember everything about the consulars

    p.s you consulars were awesome!!!

  2. I loved doing the mid ropes course with squirlley sue. And loved coenuing with cricket calina. it was awsome!

  3. I liked all of the counselors. I liked them because they were really nice and they helped you all the time if you were having trouble with something. Awesome names too. Some day i'll want to come back to camp pinewood. It ROCKED!!

  4. Hi everyone! John i really like how you are full of energy and how supportive you are. Billy you are very smart and i loved the nature hike! Salamander Sean sorry for almost dropping you but you were so so so cool and loud! Sue you were awesome! Colina you were really good at the canoes hope the stuffiness goes away!Jessica you were really awesome and verrrrrry understanding !!! I had a great time, thanks to all of you!

  5. I had a great time with all the counselors. they all ROCKED.;p

  6. I liked canoing with Cricket Colina. I had already done it and I had alot of fun doing it again with friends. Canoing was awsome!!!!!

  7. i liked all john sean and billy. They were the coolest wons at camp. John had a cool acient billy likes mtn biking and so do I sean is funny and i like to be funny.

  8. I really liked how they came up with nature names i thought that was really sweet.That would even be easier for me to remeber them and i still do.For example Billy the goat so yeah i love the nature names!!!I would never thought of coming up with nature names.____BREYDON____

  9. My favorite counselor was John. He was awsome he was so different. Johns accent was really cool. I loved how much energy he had and always bounced around every where you went. He is a awsome counselor. Mnd My FAVORITE!

  10. John its me giovanny i really like how you r really energetic and you are really jumpy but thats a good thing because most people are usually lazy and im glad to meet someone like you so see you later bye.

  11. Hey there jackrabbit JON
    I loved hangin out on the rock wall, thank-you for all of the support. i thought that the rockwall was awesome.

  12. Jellyfish Jessica was awesome when i was on the mid ropes because i was stuck on ropes for a while she asked me what made since to me so i slid on my knees when i was goin across because i couldnt stand back up on the rops so i slid across them and it was fun.

  13. Heyy Jack Rabbit Jon!!...I think that you are the most energetic person there!!...and i think that it's amazing!!!...and it's like really cool that you try to encourage us when were to scared to do something!!...and I love that all of the councalers like to try to get us out of out comfert zone!!..and get us used to doing different things then just everyday things!!....I love that all of the councalers like to encourage us as much as posible to get us to do something that we probly haven't done before!!...It's really amazing of them!!

  14. I love all the counselors!!! I liked Billy because he was really nice and was kind. I liked John because he was ALWAYS FULL of energy and his accent was AWESOME! I liked Sean because he was really funny!:) I liked Jessica because she was really helpful at mid ropes. I liked Colina because she was really patient with us!!!

  15. My favorite consolor was JACK RABBIT JON he was awesome. I would love to work there because it is a place I can act like a kid just like JACK RABBIT JON. thanks for the fun.

  16. everyone is very nice jonh is the best i think but i think every one is special in there own way.

  17. MY favorite counciler was Jon because one of my favorite soccer teams is Liverpool an he is from Liverpool, England. I also like that he has a awesome accent. That is why he is my favorite counciler.

  18. i loved jellyfish jessica. she was my favorit.i loves the mid rops.

  19. The camp counselers had nature names they were really cool. The counselers where so cool. The had a bunch of fun stuff to do with us and it planned all three days

  20. I just wanted to say thank you to all of the staff at camp pinewood. And thanks for the activitys we were able to do. (p.s i love your accent jon!!!!!)

  21. Hey guys thanks for making this experience and awesome time!!! Billy Goat, you are the only person i know that knows so much about nature!! I think some of it rubbed off on me!! Colina, I love your enthusiasm when we were singing and canoeing!!! Sean, You make everyone laugh and your stories were the best around! You make the ropes course more fun then i ever thought it would be! Jessica, Your song on the campfire was probably my favorite! Hey we all looked like idiots but thats what made that moment special for everyone! And last but not least John, Your patience and understanding made everything so much more easy to understand and just be comfortable!! Plus i like that you bounce ALL THE TIME!!!!
    Luv Ya,

  22. Jellyfish Jessica
    I really really liked the mid ropes. I was scared through the whole thing but that was the whole point. I wasn’t going to do it at first, but I realized that it got rid of most of my fear of heights. But the point really worked. Cause now, I don’t feel as scared as I did before. So thanks so much for being there and helping me get over my fear. Hope to see you in the future!!!!!!

  23. Jelleyfish Jessica , you are a fun counselor. I like that you were the mid ropes course person.
    By: Barbie

  24. Everyone was cool. Jon you were fun to watch bounce and run! Billy you are very educated on nature! Sean you liked to shout and be funny! Colina you were very helpful and supportive! Jessica you were very understanding and you help us understand things!

  25. OMG you guys were so supportive. You helped us face our fears. P.S love the accent Jon 3>


  26. I really liked all of the counselors! But I really Liked John and Shawn because they were full of loads of energy! I liked everyone I had a great time!

  27. I like all the counselor because they are all very energetic and they all have an amazing story to tell.
    By: Delaney

  28. Dear Salamander Sean,
    Thank you for helping us out on the low ropes course. that was so much fun. But i did not like the trust fall. Thanks for catching me jared.

  29. I thought the counselors were amazing. They were all nice and hilarious. I can't wait to come back again and i might bring my family. Thanks!

  30. I like all of the nature names. I loved how every one was very supportive and helped every body reach their goals, and higher.
    By: Alex

  31. I loved the nature names the names would reprsent each person i was cool.... And the way they helped each person get out there comfort zone and still feel safe knowing people in your group and the teachers are going to be there for you no matter what happens to you there always by your side helping you and talking to you so you won't loss your trust and so you can trust the people around you I loved the way I felt aroungd the staff,students,and around the teachers..........
    ~~~~~~~~~~~~Bonita Chapparita~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

  32. I love the the friendly ness of the staff members and i love the activeteys and they help face are fears

  33. Thank you so much for taking me canoeing and teaching how to do all the steps of it. I was kind of nervous about it because I had never been canoeing before. I didn't tip so I think I did okay.
    Thanks fo everything colina!!!!

  34. I liked that all of the camp counelers was that they were all friendly and fun. Also I liked that if you were having trouble they would help you out and give you advice. Also I liked there nature names. They were awsome!!

  35. I really liked all the conslures. I liked how they all had nature names instead of all of there names. Shawn was really funny how he told his story.

  36. I liked most of the counselors. Cause they all were nice about almost anything. I think my favorite one was Jon because he was never serious. And he was really patient.
    From: Jesse

  37. I would like to say thanks to Calina because she made canoeing fun by playing boat tag and follow the leader. She was really funny to!!!!!! Thanks Calina.

  38. My favorite counselor was Salamander Sean!!!! Keep up the awesome stories!!!!!!
    By: Victor

  39. Everyone in the camp was cool. I loved Salamander Sean’s stories!!!!! –Jade-

  40. i thought they were ok
