Thursday, November 5, 2009

If you could change something about 6th Grade Camp, what would it be? Explain


  1. the one thing i would change is the lights out times i think it was kinda early because all day you hang out with your advisery not other people so i would like to hang out more with all my friends not just some of them.

  2. Same thing because im used to going to bed at like 1:00 OR 3:00 in the morning. Not Joking!
    But at least we got a little time to stay up but it was not enough time. Also we should get more time to sleep. I mean I had to wake up at 6:30 in the morning. Way to early for me. But I got up anyway. I still had fun though.

  3. Well I would change how cold it was but once you were out there for a while you got used to it.

  4. One thing i would change about camp is maybe spending more time in our cabins at night instead of just 30 mins to an hour. Thats all but i had a great time!

  5. I also think that we should spend more time in our cabins. it was freezing outside.

  6. I agree with kassidy becausei would like to spend more time in are cabins, cause i like spending time with the people in my cabin.
    destiny :]

  7. The one thing I would change about camp is how long we stay there. I definitly want to stay there way longer than we did. I wish I was still there.

  8. Some thing I would change would be lights out. I was tierd all day. Even worse we had a whole day a head of us and I got really tierd. Like I almost could fall asleep right in the middle of an activity.

  9. The thing i would change is how long we stay there like jared!!!!!So i wish i was still there because it was really fun!!!____BREYDON____

  10. I would change the sleeping times because at 7:00 thats to early so just chang sleeping times.

  11. i would change the waking up time from 7:00 in the morning to 8:00 so we get an extra hour to sleep. hahahahahahahahahaha

  12. the only thing that I would change about cam would be how long tha we stay. i wish that i could have stayed longer!!!! :)


  13. If i could change anything about camp would be the beds in the cabin because they were so hard and uncomfortable to sleep on.

  14. i would change the beds because i could not sleep
    other than that it was fine

  15. I would change the beds. They are not that comfortable!:( I could not sleep that well. Probably alot of people wished the beds were way more comfortable! But camp was still a lot of weather the beds or not!:)

  16. I would change the week that we go!!..cause it was really cold when we were there!!...but it was alot of fun..except for the cold..i guess i would like it to be ealier in the school year like October or later in the monthes though!!....I owuld also change the wakeing up time!!...7:00 is wayyyyyy too ealy for ppl to wake up i personaly think!!!

  17. I would change the temp. Because it was freezing and we might have done better if it was warmer

  18. if i could change would be how long we stayed there i wish we could still be there it was so much fun!!!! i loved it!!!!!

  19. I would change the time we went so it would be warmer. I'm pretty sure that every one was cold. The fishing would be better too.

  20. What I would change is that you could hang out with any of your alote more.

  21. I would change the weather to get in the high 60's like 68 or 67. Alanna

  22. one thing i would chang is the time that we have to go to bed. It was realy early.

  23. I probably would have changed how long we were in our cabins and how long we stay there. The food was good but we had to leave right after each meal. I wish we could have time to re-prepare by going back to our cabin and just sitting down for a couple minutes! I didn't want to leave either! I would have totally stay there for a whole week if i could! Either way it was still really fun!

  24. One thing I would change about camp pinewood is to get rid of Omaha cabin. This cabin was falling apart left and right. There was no where to change begaust of the big window and the floors were crumbling and it stunk really bad!!!!!~whitney

  25. If i could change somehting about sixth grade camp it would be the fact that we only got to stay there for three days. I would change this because i wanted to at least stay there for a week. The reason why is that there was so many fun things to do i just wish we could do them each two times. To me i think it would be a much better thing. I dont know about everyone else but me just me. I think we could get to know the counselers better and we would get used to being out there. If i can i will got to summer and winter camp i think that would be so much fun because of the stuff we just did in three days.

  26. I would like to change who is in are cabin we should be able to pick two partners and then team up with to other groups of 3.

  27. It is pretty much the same but I would change the time span. It would be longer because it was a short time in camp.

    from sasha

  28. If I could change anything at camp, it would be the food. The pancakes were hard as a rock. A knife wouldn’t even cut all the way through the pancake. The macaroni also would be changed by me. It didn’t have enough cheese and the noodles weren’t cooked all the way through.

  29. If I could change anything the only thing I would change is a mild thing. The cabin I was in OMAHA it was terrable when you walked on the floors they crumbled under your feet.The beds were about like having no bed at all and the stench I cant even begin to explaine. We had no heater, we did even have a deck just a small little piece of roof. NO PRIVACY, we had windows all over and no curtains, if I could do it all over again that would be the only thing
    i would change! BY:MOLLIE 8D

  30. One thing I would change is the spiggetti. Not a lot of people like spiggetti. I know I don’t.
    By: Barbie

  31. One thing I would change would be that we could get more time in our cabin. The days are so full that you get tired of being in the cold and you just want to go in your cabin and relax for at least 10 minutes!

  32. One thing that I would change about 6th grade camp was the cabin time because we did not get very much time to hang out in our cabin and cool down! I had alot of fun!

  33. If I could change something about camp I would make a rest time and I would make more time to be in our cabins .Also we could have hot chocolate with meals.
    By: Delaney

  34. something i would change at camp is probley the weather and the lights out times because some people like to stay up and stay all night but it would be their fault if they were tired in the morning.

  35. If I could change one thing at camp I would change how long we were there for because I wish we were there longer. It was so much fun being there and challenging myself to do things that I've never done before. So it was so much fun!!:)
    By: Alex

  36. The think I would change about camp is the bedtime i would make it whenever. Plus I would make it where the girls were aloud to make tricks on the boys and the boys could do the same.

  37. Something I would change would of been that we could of hanged out with other people not only our advisory class it would of been funner.... But I was fffffffuuuuuuuuunnnnnnnnnn.....
    P.s camp was fun though hehe

    ~~~~~~~Bonita chappirata~~~~~~~~~~

  38. If I could change one thing about camp it would be getting to the showers earlier because at night it was packed and in the morning it was packed.

  39. If i could change anything i would would like to be able to play ga-ga ball with my friend and change the rules we should be able to double jump instead of one foot by one foot and i wish i could play ga ga ball other than that it was awsome

  40. If I could change I would change the rules of gaga ball. I don't like that you can't jump with both feet at the same time. Also I don't like that there is so many ways that you get out. And that you can't pick up the ball you have to either hit it or slide it.

  41. If I could change one thing about 6th grade camp I would change having more things to do and we get to choose. I would do that because some of the things i would coose not to do. I did not want to do the adventure hike because my shoe got all wet when I jumped over a creek.

  42. I would change the time we would go in the summer and not fall. It would be nice enough to go swimming and it would be nice and warm once in awhile. I would also change the arrangement of the cabins so that all the cabins had decks looking out to the lake.

  43. The thing I would change about camp is the amount of time there would be spent there. I would change it to 2 weeks. I think that would be a lot of fun. Also different mattress. THEY WERE HARD AS A ROCK!!!!:)


  44. One thing I would change about camp is the bathroom breaks because sometimes a guy has to go!!!!!!
    By: Victor

  45. What I would change about camp is the recreation time and put a new game or sport in there like Dance. –Jade-

  46. I would make the high ropes, the medium ropes and the rook wall lower to the ground!
    By: Robert

  47. If I could change something about camp it would be the beds. They are so lumpy. My back still hurts from them beds. At least I'm only in it at night. I still had a good time though. I loved camp. Camp was great!

  48. If I could change something about camp it would be canoeing because I couldn’t turn the canoe and I would rather change to a tubing with like 5 people on a tube.


  49. what i change for sixth grade camp would be making the mid ropes course would be making it harder and more fun

  50. Wuz up my peeps? So for me the mid ropes was the most fun, because when you are up 10-12 feet up in the air it seems like the cheering, and confident voices of your fellow classmates is the only thing that is keeping your confidents lifted. so yah

  51. Kendall Your In Mrs. Kitson's class with me actully the mid ropes was 27 feet high!
    YO YO ~Alexis

  52. Olivia again tierd you said is spelled wrong it is (TIRED) Yeah

  53. if i could change something about 6th grade camp it would be that i wish our feild trip was in the summer!!!!!!!
