Thursday, November 5, 2009

What was your favorite thing about 6th Grade Camp? Explain


  1. My favorite thing about 6th Grade Camp was watching all the smiling faces of the students. It was awesome seeing the kids experience new and exciting things for the first time. I also enjoyed seeing the kids rally around one another with encouraging words and positive feedback. Each student, at some point, faced a challenge. Their comfort zone grew and as a result of that growth, they are better people. Keep up the great work and continue to grow throughout the rest of the year. Camp was awesome!

  2. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was the mid ropes coarse. I liked that alot because you got to walk on a bunch of ropes that were about 10 to 12ft in the air. WOW! My favorite thing about it was the spider wedd thing. I had to jump to get a hold of it. Oh yeah good thing I was in a harnose. I slipped on the 2nd part of it but I got up after about 5 minutes. So then I made through the rest of the coarse fine.

  3. my favorite thing about camp were the people in my cabin the chaperones and all my new friends. Also waking up to all the nature and the smell of the outdoors! Everything about camp was wonderful!

  4. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was
    hanging with friends,learning new things and challenging myself.I had lots of fun doing the activities too.

  5. I love camp, everything in camp was awsome.First activity was the nature walk, it was boring but it was intresting at the same time.Then the next day we(as my group)went to rock climing wall, then we did canoeing, then we went to low ropes.Then on the last day we went to mid ropes.Then we left to go home and it wasn't quite,IT WAS VERY LOUD(exept me and my friend we were quite).
    destiny :p

  6. Definitly my favorite thing about camp was gaga ball. Im pretty good at it and it can get very competive. I want a gaga ball octogan at our school. The only bad part is getting out right away, but the rest is awsome!!! I dont think I ever won a game but I still had lots and lots of fun. I love gaga ball!!!!!

  7. i absoultly loved the coneouing what ever i spelled it wrong but it was my first time and it was aweosome allthough i was spinning in circles in the middle of the lake it was awesome

  8. gaga ball was also new to me and it was sweet because the last game of the night i won against shasa it was amazing

  9. My favorite thing about camp was the climing tower. I liked it a lot because you get to go really high and had a lot of people cheering you on. The best part was being a spoter to help the people up. It was a lot of fun because you get to go high and feel like a spider monkey!

  10. My favorite thing at 6th grade camp was the med ropes course and listining to everyone cheer me on!!!!!So that was my favorite about 6th grade camp!!____BREYDON_____

  11. My favorite thing about camp was mid ropes. I loved it sooooooooo much. It was hard at first, but then everyone started cheering me on and it lifted my confidence so then I finished quickly and more comfortable with being 10-12 feet above the ground (because I was the last one on the ropes I was sooooooooo scared to be up there.)

    Peace Out,

  12. My favorite thing about camp was the canoeing. It was so much fun but Mollie had to splash water into my canoe and then my pants got all wet. Also me and Nokomis were the examples of how to canoe, we had so much fun. Hahahahahahahahahahahaha lol

    P.S. Camp was the best thing i have ever don in my entire life.

  13. My favorite thing that i did at camp was MT.Biking.It was so much fun because we went down a really awesome hill.Man do i wish that i could do that more often.It was so much fun. i loved camp.!!!!!

  14. My favorite thing about camp was canoeing. I was challenged at first but then it became really fun and I was really good at it! In the end a lot of other boats complimented us. :) Camp was a lot of fun!!

  15. My favorite thing about camp was the mid level ropes course. I love heights!!! Definitly the challenging thing was trying to get through it. But it helped that people that were cheering me on. After I got off the mid ropes course I felt really good and proud of myself!:) Camp was really fun!!!

  16. my favorite thing about camp was hangin with my friends and the mid ropes corss. i have been to many camps before but never with friends so it was lots of fun!!!!i loved being chalenged so much!

  17. My favorite thing about camp was getting stuck and unstuck on the mid ropes coruse. Then after that helping the people that almost got stuck or got scared was fun because it was sad seeing them scared but when they got to the end they were smnileing because they finished without quiting.

  18. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was canoeing. Because it was the first time I went canoeing also idid not tip.

  19. My favorite thing at camp was the canoeing!!...It was alot of fun and I personally loved how suportive everyone was and how they helped ppl get to were they had too go!!....and how everyone helped ppl how to get how to padddle the conoe!!...and i loved how ppl suported everyone there..No matter how far they actually got!!..and far they didn't want too go but i ezspecially loved how the councalers tried to get everyone out of there comfert zone!!...and tried to get ppl to get bigger comfert zone's and to try to get used to doing different stuff!!..and to get used to it and not to be just doing the everyday thing that you've always done!!~Jessie

  20. my favorite one was canoeing because it used teamwork and it was fun and a challenge

  21. My favorite thing at 6th grade camp was canoing. I never went before and I diddn't flip. I really liked canoeing.

  22. My favorite part about camp is meeting new people since I am new. I expaned my comfort zone a whole lot. It was scary at first since there was somebody I did not know I got the last bed, my day was of to a bad start, then after that it was alright.

  23. my favorite thing about camp was mid ropes. i thought is was the most fun thing there but hanging out with my friends but it was scary at first i got the hang of it but i wish i could of been with some of my other friends too......

  24. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was canoeing because I never been on a canoe before. We bumped into lots of people. Katie was my canoe partner and made us go the wrong direction a lot. When we cased Cricket Colina me and Katie went the wrong direction and crashed into someone.
    By Ace

  25. My favorite thing was ult. frisbey it was awesome because i am great at it and i had awesome teammates they were awesome the game was like football you had to swat or intersept the frisbey to gain the ball i had lots of it was awesome.

  26. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was the mid ropes course even though I got stuck and fell like 7 times before I made it all the way around the course. The challenging things I did were the rock wall and the canoeing. I did not make it up the wall that far but at least I had tried. The canoeing was a little hard because I got stuck 3 times but it was fun. I wish I could have done the mountain biking. I'm so glad I had gone to pinewood camp.

  27. My favorite thing about camp was the adventure hike and mid ropes. The reason why i liked these two is because i had to challenge myself in both. How i was challenged is that i was high in the air and i am not very goo in the air. The reason why the adventure hike was ahard because you had to keep you balance and waslk on fat skinny and really long logs. That was hard for me because i cant even walk on the ground with out getting close to fall but i did not fear and i just did it. Luckily i had friends there to support me and encourge me.

  28. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was the rock wall climbing because I didn’t want to climb the rock wall but I did it because I wanted to try it so I did. After I climb it I wasn’t in a panic zone I was in the comfort zone.
    By: Tyler

  29. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was the mid ropes coarse and hanging out with all of my friends. What I liked about the mid ropes course was that it was really challenging. What I liked about hanging out with friends was if they were not in my class then I could chat and do some activities with them. Camp was really fun!

  30. My favorite thing at 6th grade camp was the mid rops coarse bcause i faced my fear of hites!i had alote of fun. another thing is that i got to hang out with my friends.But i miss all of the the people that were there

  31. my favorite thing i did at camp was mid ropes. It wasn't that easy it was a challenge kind of. i love the caboins and hanging out with friends Alyssa and a couple other people got to blia my mom it was so cool

  32. My favorite thing about 6th grade canp was Gaga Ball. It was sooooooo much fun!!!! I stayed in for a long time but i never won a game! I had a really good team and plus i had Cricket Colina on my team too! Now i want a Gaga Ball pit at our school!!! But yeah everything at camp was awesome! I never wanted to leave!
    Luv Ya!

  33. My favorite activity was canoeing; my partner and I went really fast. I also liked mid ropes course, I just wish that we could go earlier because in the mid ropes course I was FREEZING, literally shaking. Low ropes course was fun and easy, for me, but it was a challenge for some people.

  34. favorite activity at camp was the mid ropes because I am afraid of hites so it was a hard for me to do that. I new that I wanted to finish the course and I did. On the last element I did it with my eyes closed that was the first time that I have ever done a ropes course high in the air. so that is why the ropes course is my favorite activity that I did at camp.

  35. MY favorite thing was the mid ropes i loved being challenged to get to the end> Also i was proud that I didn't fall that much!!!

  36. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp is that I got to ride throw mud puttles. We were told that if we could ride a figer 8 past all of them then on the way back we could ride throw them. And that was my favorite.

    By: Barbie

  37. My favorite thing in sixth grade camp was the mid ropes coures and how we can hang out with our friends and have fun.

  38. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was the campfire. We sung a song called BUBBLEGUM and it is stuck in my head now. It is actually interesting. It goes like this; My mom gave me a penny, she said to buy a henny, but I aint buy no henny, instead I bought some bubblegum, buzuka-zuka bubblegum and then you do it with every single coin. All you do is rhyme a word with the coin. That was my most favorite thing in camp!!!!!!


  39. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp was the bonding. Every one was working together and cheering other people on. The activities were fun but the thing that will stick with me for the longest is the bondsing expirence. The past 3 days really changed my life...... in a good way!** BY: MOLLIE

  40. I would like to go back in the summer so that way we didn’t have to freeze to death out side in the coldness. I would also like to go back and do all of the activities all over again and also I would like to go back and eat all of the great lunches again those were great and delicious . I liked camp!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    By: Maria

  41. My faveroite thing about camp was gaga ball because it was a fun game. It had a octagon around you and the other players. If I had more time to play it. It was fun because I won the first round and won two more times but the important part was to just have fun.

    from sasha

  42. My favorite thing I did at camp was GaGaBall. GaGaBall is so fun beacuse you have to hit it in your hands and you try to hit other people in the knees down and then they are out.I got the championship in the first game! I was so happy! It was sooooooooooooo fun!
    By: Jonathan

  43. My favorite activity at the YMCA camp this year was definitely the adventure hike. I'm one for nature and exploring so it was right up my alley. Our group even found a red-backed salamander (no relation to Sean) under a rotting log. Other than falling into a foul smelling swamp a few times and losing a couple of shoes here and there in the mud, I doubt anyone would have missed this hike of a lifetime.
    By: Emma

  44. My favorite thing at camp was the mid ropes, I was scared but it was really fun I wanted to get off but then I wanted to stay on. I was tangled on the rope and shaking but it was pretty hard to get out. Then when I got off I was happy.

    By: Christina

  45. The favorite thing about camp was the activites beacuse every one had a great time and that everyone had fun and that you can make friends any day.

  46. I loved canoeing. It was my first time and i had a BLAST. I also did the midropes course and i made it all the way throw on the hardest corse. I made it all the way up the rockwall and i has really excited it happened. I loved the adventure walk since me and my daddy seen 3 deer running in front of us. Next year my family is mabie planning on goin campin there. sincerly ang

  47. my favroit thing about 6th grade camp is Archery because you got to use to diffrent bowes and how we got to spend time with alot of friends so that is what i liked

  48. My favorite activity at camp was canoeing because I laughed harder and a lot more than usual. I was partners with my friend Cameron. We both had a great time because I kept laughing and I forgot how to sharp turn so we kept running into other canoes and the dock. I splashed a lot of people with my AWESOME rowing skills. (Wink) But the best part about canoeing was that Jesse and Dakota flipped they're canoe over and after they changed, I got they're picture. (HA HA)We had sooo much fun that all the time both my partner and I kept saying "I want to go canoeing again." No matter what activity we were doing and how popular that activity was. I LOVE CANOEING BEST OF ALL! (And so does Cameron.)
    By: Parker

  49. My favorite thing at camp was probably hanging out on the mid ropes. At first when I got up there, I got freaked out but all of the people encouraging me kept me up there!
    By: DeLaney

  50. My favorite thing at 6th grade camp was hanging out with my friends!:) I also liked the activities that we did! It was soooo fun!! I also liked the mid ropes course. We had to challange our selfs to do things we wern't comfertable with to make our comfort zones bigger.
    By: Alex

  51. camp was fun but caneoin was the best;-D

  52. My fvorite thing about camp was the mid ropes and canoeing. when i was getting ready to go up on the mid ropes course i was kinda nervouse, then when i got to the top of the stairs i had butterflys in my stomach then when i got going it was eaiser. Canoeing was freaky, i did not want to go at first because i was afraid of tipping. Thenb i got out there and me and my partner had a blast.

  53. When I was at camp, my favorite activity was the mide ropes. I liked the mide ropes because it was challenging. My favorite part was the spider web. I also liked hanging out with my friends. Camp is a really cool place to make friends when I was their made friends. Camp was awesome.
    By: Kyle

  54. My favorite thing about camp was the rock wall. I was a demonstrater and i went up really quick and someone called me a ninja. I love the rock wall it was whatI was waiting for the whole week and the cool thing was it was last. I'm so happy that they had a rock wall I have climbed up those my whole life.

  55. My favorite thing about camp was just being in my cabin. I had very nice girls in my cabin and we just hung out. The last night of camp we had a party!! We did nails, had some cool conversations, and had a dance party. All night we giggled until the first person fell asleep.

  56. My fariote thing about 6th
    camp was the mid ropes I had fun... I started dancing on the board thingys bc I was board... I went backwards on the loopy thingys.... It was funny and fun though.... I loved the 6th grade camp
    P.S Wished i never left hehehehe

    <3 yatziry <3
    ~~Bonita chapparita~~

  57. My favorite thing was bonding and the rock wall and the midd ropes corse. About bonding i had to bond with the shapperoons the kids and the helpers i had fun with the ult. frisbey it was awsome=) me erik ryan and mikey was awsome we won

  58. My favorite thing at 6th grade camp was playing ult. frisbee. I liked that all my friends were playing with me so I wasn't alone. Also I liked that I knew how to throw and catch a frisbee. We won our game it was pretty but difficult at somepoints like when we were getting blocked and we couldn't really throw it to any body. Camp was awsome!!!

  59. 6th grade camp was so much fun! iwished we could have stayed a lot longer. I wished we could have stayed a week. My favorite thing there was the mid ropes course. I thoght it was going to be really scary when i saw the first person go up. But then I was walkng along the cabel I thoght to my self and I thoght it got really, really easy. The rock climbing was my most challening thing there. I had a lot of fun at 6th grade camp!

  60. My favorite thing about sixth grade camp was canoeing. It was my favorite because we were on the water and I LOVE the water. i have been on the water since I was 2 months old. also i liked the mid-ropes I dont like hights but when I got down it was fun

  61. My favorite thing was GaGa ball. It was fun. You got to get people out and hang out with your friends. The mid ropes was fun because it was dangerous. I like that kind of stuff. It was fun. That’s what I loved about camp - Caleb

  62. What I liked about 6th grade camp was hanging out with some of my friends that I didn’t know as well as some other friends. Like I was in a cabin with one of my friends that I didn’t know as well and now I have a lot of fun with her.

  63. My favorite thing about camp was gaga ball. The reason it’s my favorite is because I saw my friends there and competed against them. I almost won once though. I got out all the other times. It was fun though. My favorite person was John. He is AWSOME!!
    By: Jared

  64. I had a great time at camp but I have one problem I AM A BIG BABY OR A SISEY ON THE ROOK WALL AND THE MEDIUM ROOPES TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    By: Robert

  65. My favorite thing I did at camp was the Mid Ropes course. I liked that because it was a challenge for me. When I was done I felt so proud of myself. I knew the whole time that the ropes were safe because you were strapped in pretty tight so if you fell you wouldn’t fall down 12 feet. I think that is what built my confidence to go on the ropes. -Jade-

  66. My favorite thing about thing about 6th grade camp was soccer even though my team lost I still had lots of fun. One activity that was really fun was Pine Mountain. Even though I didn't make it to the top I still had fun. Every time kept on falling down I kept on thinking about all of my friends kept on saying like you can do it etc. One main purpose that kept on making me fall down on was that I haven't been wearing my gloves at the time which made my hands feel like old crusty icicles [sorry if I missed spelled that word]. Another thing that kept keeping me going is that I trusted my friends. Camp was the
    By: Victor

  67. My favorite activity was the mid ropes course had to close my eyes on one part of the thing because I had to make it challenging for me. Also my favorite thing was the muck man. I think that that was funny!!!:)

  68. My favorite activity at camp pinewood was canoeing!!! It was so much fun, my buddy was Mrs. Wilcox. Sometimes she would freak out but that was OK with me. One other Thing I enjoyed was muck man, Sydney was in my cabin and she rocked at that burping competition.

  69. my favorite thing about camp was takling in the cabin at night about what activites we did and that it is awsome and how the mid ropes course felt like i was going to fall to the ground on my spotter that was waching me and that the food was good and that i wanted to stay there for about 3 months or 4.

  70. Camp was really really fun when I was in Florida they never let us go to camp!

  71. camp was to stricked

  72. Olivia, Spoter you said has two t's like this (SPOTTER) Yeah Your Welcome Correct it! You spell climing with a B like this (CLIMBING) Yeah!
    So yeah take my advice!
    ~I love Gymnastics I am at a level 11! I am the best!

  73. To bad your in my Class!

  74. My favorite thing about 6th grade camp is that we got to go coneing and i also like the gaga ball that was lots of fun!!!!!!!
