Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Weekly Update (Dec. 14-18)

Monday - U.S. and Canada Mapping Lab Test
Tuesday - Introduce Chapter 3
Wednesday - Geoterms 3 (Due Thursday)
Thursday - Begin Settlement Patterns in Canada Game
Friday - Christmas Bingo (morning) / Pizza and Movie (afternoon)

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Test When We Return!

The snow is falling, the wind is blowing, and it is freezing. "Mom, I'm bored and don't know what to do." Mr. Tidey to the rescue. STUDY for your test. Your study guide is in your social studies folder. Cut up the squares and make sure you know where the states, provinces, territories, and physical feaures of Canada and the U.S. are located.

"Mom, I forgot my social studies folder at school." Mr. Tidey to the rescue again. Click on the US Game link on the blog. Play the following games: states, rivers, oceans, lakes, and landscapes. Sure, you will learn more than you need to know, but that is better than less than you need to know.

I hope you are all enjoying the snow. Now, study. :)

Mr. Tidey

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Weekly Update (Dec. 7 - 11)

Monday - Finished Challenge #5. Study fro Test (Test Wednesday)
Tuesday - Jeopardy Review for Test. Study for Test (Test Wednesday)
Wednesday - U.S. / Canada Mapping Lab Test
Thursday - Preview Activity / Introduction Ch. 3 - Settlement Patterns in Canada
Friday - Geoterms 3 (Due Monday)

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Last Week for Toys for Tots

This is the last week for Toys for Tots! My Advisory has done an awesome job. So far, they have donated 42 toys and over $40. The students voted today to have Hot Chocolate Days for the remainder of the toy drive. For a 50 cent donation to Toys for Tots each day, they will get a hot chocolate to drink in Advisory class. Keep up the great work Advisory!

Weekly Update (Nov. 30 - Dec. 4)

Monday - Complete Challenge #3 in class. Coloring Activity on U.S. (Due Wednesday) Study for U.S. Mad Minutes
Tuesday - Complete Challenge #4. Finish Coloring Activity on U.S. (Due Wednesday) Study for U.S. Mad Minutes
Wednesday - U.S. State Games in Computer Lab. U.S. Mad Minutes.
Thursday - U.S. Mad Minutes. Complete Challenge #5.
Friday - U.S. Mad Minutes. Make up work for Challenges 3-5. (Study Challenge #1-2 for Test next Tuesday)

*If a student passes U.S. Mad Minutes twice with a 100%, then they do not have to take it again.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009


Dear Parents,

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and be thankful for what you have. One of the things that I am most thankful for is my job. I get to go to work every day and work with students that make me laugh and smile. I get to watch learning happen and be a part of new understanding. I love my job and I love working with your children. I am truly thankful to be teaching in Sparta. Enjoy your time with family and friends this Thanksgiving.


Mr. Tidey

Monday, November 16, 2009

Weekly Update (November 16 - 20)

Monday - Go over Chapter 2 Test. Coloring Activity on Canada (Due Tuesday) Study for Canada Mad Minutes
Tuesday - Introduce Physical Geography of the U.S. & Canada. Study for Canada Mad Minutes
Wednesday - Canada Mad Minutes. Introduce Climate of U.S. & Canada. Challenge #1 (Due Thursday)
Thursday - Canada Mad Minutes. Challenge #2 (Due Friday)
Friday - Canada Mad Minutes. Challenge #3 (Due Tuesday - Thanks Parker!)

*If a student passes Canada Mad Minutes twice with a 100%, then they do not have to take it again.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What was your favorite thing about 6th Grade Camp? Explain

If you could change something about 6th Grade Camp, what would it be? Explain

Comment to the Camp Pinewood Counselors

Write a positive comment to the Camp Pinewood counselors. Please be positive and give them examples from your experience. The counselors were: Salamander Sean (low ropes), Squirrely Sue (mid ropes), Cricket Colina (canoeing), Billy Goat (adventure hike), Jack Rabbit John (climbing wall), and Jellyfish Jessica (mid ropes).

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Weather Report From China

Lexi and Mollie reported about the weather in China today. We learned that in June the temperature is around 65 degrees with about 5-6" of monthly rainfall. China is in a humid subtropical zone. Students are learning about the different climate zones around the world.

Camp Drop Off and Pick Up Times


  • Students will NOT be allowed to bring camp luggage and bedding on their bus to and from school.
  • Please make arrangements to have your student picked up and dropped off to school.
  • Drop off times for 6th grade campers will be between 8:30 and 8:45am in the parking lot north of the middle school/east of the administration building. They do not need to report to school until this time on the day they leave for camp. If students need to be dropped off sooner, have them carry their luggage to their advisory room. Students report to their 1st hour teacher after dropping off luggage.
  • Please pick up your 6th grader by 1:00pm in this same parking lot. You are free at this time to take them home.
  • When dropping your child off, please give Mrs. Spencer, any medication that you are sending with your child on camp day. Please keep it in the original container to better facilitate its proper distribution.

6th Grade Camp Packing List


This list is simply a suggested guide to help you. It is important to note however, that warm protective clothing and footwear is a must to ensure a comfortable and healthy time at camp. Please label all personal items with your name. All items must be clearly marked with student’s name. Pack items in a duffle bag or suitcase, no paper bags.

2 pair long pants
1 sweatshirt and/or heavy sweater
3 pair underwear
1 pair warm gloves and/or mittens
1 additional pair of shoes
1 warm long sleeve shirt
1 lighter weight long sleeve shirt
1 pair pajamas
1 warm hat
2 pair heavy socks
1 plastic raincoat/rain gear

twin size sheets (top and bottom)
1 pillow and pillow case
1 warm blanket (sleeping bag may be used if open and tucked under mattress)

Personal Articles
comb and/or hairbrush
wash cloth
bath towel

1 pair flip-flops for shower
day pack
water bottle(s)
camera and film
laundry bag or garbage bag

Monday, October 26, 2009

Whaz Up in Class?

Students are having fun acting out different physical features. Here is a picture of students acting out a mountain range in class. During the next week, students will be acting out climate zones and economic activities. Stay tuned for future pictures.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Upcoming Events

  1. Sixth Grade Camp - November 2-4, 2009
  2. Student Led Conferences - November 10 & 12, 2009 (4:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.)
  3. Thanksgivng Break - November 25 - 29
  4. First Trimester Ends - November 27

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Stayin' in the Know

Sixth Grade Camp is just one week away. Look for information coming home next week about drop off/pick up times, things to bring, etc.

Weekly Update (Oct. 25-30, 2009)

Monday - Read 2.4 Earth's Climates. Complete Reading Notes on Earth's Climates. (Due Tuesday)

Tuesday - Earth's Climates Act It Outs. Read 2.5 Earth's Vegetation.

Wednesday - Complete Reading Notes on Earth's Vegetation. (Due Thursday)

Thursday - Read 2.6 Population Density. Complete Reading Notes on Population Density. (Due Friday)

Friday -Read 2.7 Economic Activity. Complete Reading Notes on Economic Activity