Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas! Ok, Let's Hear About the Presents

It is that time.  I want to hear about the presents you received from Santa.  What was your favorite?  What did you get that you weren't expecting?  Publish them here for all to read.

See you soon,
Mr. Tidey

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Weekly Update (Dec. 14-17)

Monday - Snow Day :)
Tuesday - Global Connections / Canada Movie (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Jeopardy Review (Study for Test)
Thursday - Chapter 3 Test
Friday - A little Holiday Fun

If you have not done so, please send in $3 for the pizza party on Friday.  Students need to turn the money into their last hour teacher.  Study materials for the upcoming test are found in the links section of the class blog.  Students also have a study guide in their social studies folder.

Friday, December 10, 2010

Report Card Envelopes Coming Home Today

I just wanted to let everyone know that report card envelopes are coming home tonight.  Please look these over and talk with your child about their successes and things that need improvement.  Have them set an academic goal for the 2nd trimester.  Write it down and post it on your refrigerator.  Talk about it often. 

You will also find a note about our upcoming Holiday activities.  We are planning a pizza party on Friday, December 17.  We are asking each student to bring in $3 to cover pizza, pop, plates, napkins, cups, etc.  We will be watching a holiday movie in the afternoon on Friday, too.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Weekly Update (Dec. 6 - 10)

Monday - Canada Game:  Language
Tuesday - Canada Game:  Climate
Wednesday - Canada Game: Buildings
Thursday - Canada Game: Economic Activity
Friday - Global Connections / Study Guide

*We are quickly finishing up Chapter 3: Settlement Patterns in Canada.  The Chapter 3 Test has been tentatively set for Tuesday, December 14.  Please make sure that your child is studying for this last test before Christmas Break.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Good Things

Since I am not at school for a few days, let's hear your good things on the blog.  Post it here.  Remember, it needs to be positive things going on in your life.  Here is mine.

My brother-in-law finished his first Iron Man Triathlon in Cozumel, Mexico this weekend.  He finished the race in just over 12 hours.  He swam 2.3 miles, biked 100 miles, and ran 26 miles.  Now that is a race.  I would have died after the first 20 minutes in the ocean.

Let's hear your good things.

Looking forward to seeing you on Friday.

Mr. Tidey

Monday, November 29, 2010

Weekly Update

Monday - Introduce Chapter 3
Tuesday - Geoterms 3 (Due Wednesday)
Wednesday - Canada Game:  Population
Thursday - Canada Game: Language
Friday - Canada Game:  Climate

U.S. Mad Minutes are happening this week.  Students need to study and know where the 50 states are located.  A link to the 50 states game is found on this blog.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

U.S./Canada Mapping Lab Test Results

Grade                  Study Guide Signed                  Study Guide
   A                              33  (70%)                            37 (57%)
   B                                9 (19%)                             13 (20%)
   C                                3 (6%)                                  9 (14%)
   D                                1 (2%)                                  2 (3%)
   E                                1 (2%)                                  4 (6%)

Total                      47 (42% of students)           65 (58% of students)

93% of students passed this test

Monday, November 22, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Dear Parents,

Thanksgiving is a time to reflect and be thankful for what you have. One of the things that I am most thankful for is my job. I get to go to work every day and work with students that make me laugh and smile. I get to watch learning happen and be a part of new understanding. I love my job and I love working with your children. I am truly thankful to be teaching in Sparta. Enjoy your time with family and friends this Thanksgiving.
Mr. Tidey

Weekly Update (Nov. 22 - 23)

Monday - Jeopardy Review (STUDY FOR TEST)
Tuesday - U.S. / Canada Mapping Lab Test
Wednesday - No School
Thursday - Eat lots of turkey!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Weekly Update (Nov. 15 - 19)

Here is the plan for this week.
Monday - Canada Mad Minutes / Start Challenge #3
Tuesday - Canada Mad Minutes / Finish Challenge #3
Wednesday - Canada Mad Minutes / Start Challenge #4
Thursday - Canada Mad Minutes / Finish Challenge #4
Friday - Canada Mad Minutes / Complete Challenge #5

The Mapping Lab Test on Canada and the U.S. will be next week Tuesday.  Students have received a study board with name tags that they may use to study.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Camp Pictures


Here are just a few of my favorite camp pictures.  Enjoy!

Monday, November 8, 2010

Weekly Update (Nov. 8 - 12)

Monday - Student Led Conference Prep / Cornell Notes on Canada & US (No HW)
Tuesday - Finish Cornell Notes on Canada & US (No HW)
Wednesday - Challenge #1 - Canada & US (Due Thurs.)
Thursday - Challenge #2 - Canada & US (Due Fri.)
Friday - Challenge #3 - Canada & US

Students have a map of Canada in their social studies folder.  Next week, we will start Canada Mad Minutes.  Students need to know where the 13 provinces and territories of Canada are located.  There is a link on the blog to a game that students can use to practice.

Student Led Conferences This Week

Student led conferences are this week Tuesday (11/9) and Thursday (11/11) from 4:30 - 7:00 p.m.  Please plan on attending conferences with your child.  Students will be sharing their work with you at the conferences.  Teachers will be available to answer questions on how your child is doing in class.  We hope to see everyone!

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Theme Basket - Silent Auction

During conferences this week, Meet in the Middle holding a theme basket silent auction.  My advisory class did an awesome job and was able to create three baskets.  Our theme was "Spartan Pride".  Below is a list of what is included in each basket.  Check out all of the baskets at conferences and don't forget to bring your bidding spirit.

Basket #1
Creveling’s Restaurant $45.00 certificate, Nail Tex Sparta $15.00 certificate, Family Video $5.00 gift card, Sparta Lanes - 2 Passes ($8.00 value), Sparta Football Shorts ($12.00 value), Sparta Football T-Shirt ($12.00 value), Sparta X-Country Long Sleeved T-Shirt ($15.00 value), Sprint Car Phone Charger ($37.50 value), and a Sprint Wired Headset ($20.00 value).
Total Basket Value $175.00

Basket #2
Big Joe’s Restaurant $35.00 certificate, Studio G - 1 Month Unlimited Tanning ($30.00 value), Sparta Lanes - 2 Passes ($8.00 value), Sparta Football Shorts ($12.00 value), Sparta Football Under Armor Sleeveless ($20.00 value), The Club - Body by Verdugo T-shirt ($15.00 value), 2 - Sprint Car Phone Chargers ($75.00 value), and The Club - 1 Month Membership ($30.00 value).
Total Basket Value $225.00

Basket #3
Jacobsen’s Floral & Greenhouse -$25.00 certificate, Studio G - Free Haircut ($14.00 value), Sparta Lanes - 2 Passes ($8.00 value), Sparta X-Country - Long Sleeve T-Shirt ($15.00 value), The Club - Tank Top ($12.00 value), Sprint Car Phone Charger ($37.50 value), Sprint Wired Headset ($20.00 value), and Sundaes @ the Park $5.00 certificate.
Total Basket Value $140.00

Chapter 2 Test Results

After each test, I am going to try and post the results.  I am hoping to show students that it pays off to study.  Here are the results of this test.

Grade              Signed Study Guide                                       Not Signed Study Guide
   A                         34 (58%)                                                            25 (43%)
   B                         12 (20%)                                                            12 (20%)
   C                         12 (20%)                                                            17 (29%)
   D                           0 (0%)                                                                2 ( 4%)
   E                            1 (2%)                                                                2 (4%)    

Total Students to Pass = 97%
Total Students to Fail = 3%       

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Camp Questions

We are less than 24 hours away from leaving for 6th Grade Camp.  I can't wait.  If you have any last minute questions, post them here.  I will answer them as fast as I can.  Don't forget that the packing list is on the blog for you to print.  Looking forward to tomorrow.

Mr. Tidey

Monday, October 25, 2010

Weekly Update (Oct. 25 - 29)

Monday - 2.8 World Regions (Due Tuesday)
Tuesday - Fill out study guide / Vocabulary Wheel (Test on Thurs.)
Wednesday - Jeopardy Review (Test on Thurs)
Thursday - Ch. 2 Test
Friday - Canada Coloring Activity

Please remind your child to study for the upcoming social studies test on Thursday.  In order to retake a social studies test, students must have their study guide signed by a parent.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekly Update (Oct. 18 - 22)

Monday - 2.6 Population Density (Due Tuesday)
Tuesday - MEAP Testing
Wednesday - MEAP Testing
Thursday - 2.7 Economic Activity (Due Friday)
Friday - Economic Activity Act It Outs

We will be having our second test in social studies on Thursday, October 28.  Please make sure that your child is prepared for this test.  A study guide with answers is available on this blog.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Camp Forms & Money Due Monday (Oct. 18)

Please make sure to send in your child's camp forms and money by Monday, October 18. Make checks payable to Sparta Middle School.  Money and camp forms need to be turned into your child's last hour teacher.  If you have any questions, please let us know.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Body Formations

 Students have been learning about thematic maps in Mr. Tidey's social studies class.  During the Physical Features Act It Outs, students had to arrange their bodies in a way that represented landforms and bodies of water.  See if you can guess what they are trying to show.  Pick from the four answer choices below.

A.  Tributary
B. Canyon
C. Plateau
D. Strait

Weekly Update (Oct. 11 - 15)

Monday - 2.4 Climate (Due Wed.)
Tuesday - MEAP Testing
Wednesday - Climate Act It Outs
Thursday - 2.5 Vegetation (Due Fri.)
Friday - 2.6 Population Density (Due Mon.)

*We are MEAP testing on Tuesday and Wednesday this week.  We will not have social studies class on Tuesday and Wednesday's class will only be 30 minutes long.  Please talk with your child about the importance of sleep, eating breakfast, and doing their personal best on the MEAP test.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Weekly Update (Oct. 4 - 8)

Monday - Finish Chapter 1 Test
Tuesday - Go Over Test / Introduce Chapter 2
Wednesday - Geoterms 2 (Due Thurs)
Thursday - 2.3 Physical Features Map
Friday - 2.4 Climate Map

Monday, September 27, 2010

Weekly Update (Sept. 27 - Oct. 1)

Monday - 1.7 Earth & Sun (Due by end of class Wed.)
Tuesday - 1.8 Map Projections (Due by end of class Wed.)
Wednesday - Activities 1.7 & 1.8 / Ch. 1 Study Guide (Test Fri.)
Thursday - Jeopardy Review (Study for Test)
Friday - Chapter 1 Test

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Homecoming Dress Up Days (Sept. 27 - Oct. 1)

Here are the dress up days for next week.  Remember, this is an Advisory competition.  Everybody needs to participate.  :)

Monday - Wacky Hair Day
Tuesday - Sports Wear Day
Wednesday - Make your own Super Hero Day
Thursday - Dress like a Staff Member Day (Be nice to me)
Friday - Blue & White Day

Monday, September 20, 2010

Weekly Update (Sept. 20 - 24)

Monday - 1.3 Map Titles & Symbols (Due End of Class Friday)
Tuesday - 1.4 Global Grid (Due End of Class Friday)
Wednesday - 1.5 Dealing with Distances (Due End of Class Friday)
Thursday - 1.6 Hemispheres, Continents, and Oceans (Due End of Class Friday)
Friday - Complete Activities 1.3 - 1.6

Monday, September 13, 2010

Weekly Update (Sept. 12 - 16)

Monday - Introduction to Geography Alive (No HW)

Tuesday - Gold Mining Activity (No HW)

Wednesday - Introduce Chapter 1 & Essential Question (No HW)

Thursday -  Introduce Geoterms 1 (No HW)

Friday - Complete Geoterms 1 (Due Monday)

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

What Have You Done Lately?

Hey, I am curious what everyone is doing this summer.  Let me know what fun and exciting things you have done.  Where have you gone?  Keep me in the loop.

Mr. Tidey

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Mr. Tidey Visits White House for First Time

Hello everyone.  I sure miss having you all in class.  I am back from the East Coast Trip.  Mrs. Kitson, Mr. Marker, Mrs. Hahn and I visited the White House.  Here is a picture.  The trip was awesome and going through the White House was incredible.  I can't wait until you all can go with me in 8th grade.  Enjoy the rest of your summer.  See you in September.

Mr. Tidey

Monday, June 7, 2010

6th Grade Students Present to Sparta Rotary Club

Five students from Mr. Tidey's class presented to the Sparta Rotary Club on Monday, June 7th.  Students were able to eat lunch, socialize with people who share a passion for helping others, and present what they learned about the biosand water filter.  Victor, Emma, Alex, Nokomis, and Anna all did an excellent job and represented the middle school very well.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

End of Year Schedule

The end of the school year is near. The teachers have planned some fun activities for the students and wanted to let you know our plans for the final week of school. We are asking each student to bring in $3 for pizza, pop and ice cream sundaes. Please have your child turn the money into his or her last hour teacher by Monday, June 8. If you have any questions, please let one of us know. Thanks – Mr. Tidey, Mr. Busse, Mrs. Kitson and Mrs. Spencer

Tuesday, June 8
Advisory – 6th grade year book signing. Bring in your yearbooks.
Morning – Half hour classes.
Afternoon – Enrichment (movie) and Correctives (Missing Work). All grades are due by 7:00 a.m. Thurs., 6/10.

Wednesday, June 9
Morning – Half hour classes
Lunch – Pizza
Afternoon – Enrichment (Outdoor Games) and Correctives (Missing Work). Please do not wear flip flops or skirts on this day.

Thursday, June 10
Morning – Outdoor Games (Stink Tag, Four Corner Soccer, Sidewalk Chalk Drawings). Please do not wear flip flops or skirts on this day.
Afternoon – Field Day (Water Games and Ice Cream Sundae Station)

Monday, May 24, 2010

5th/6th Grade Mixer

Don't forget that the 5th/6th Grade Mixer is Tuesday, May 25th.  Turn-in your permission slip and $3 to your Advisory teacher.  This is a great way to welcome the 6th grade students next year.  Plus, it will be tons of fun.  See you there!

Weekly Update (May 24 - 28)

Monday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #1
Tuesday - Last Day of Junior Achievement (Thanks Mr. LaTour)
Wednesday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #2 and #3
Thursday - Mexico City Neighborhood Visit #4
Friday - Global Connections

Monday, May 17, 2010

Weekly Update (May 17 - 21)

Monday - Jeopardy Review for Test (STUDY for test on Wednesday)
Tuesday - Junior Achievement (STUDY for test on Wednesday)
Wednesday - Chapter 12 Test
Thursday - Intro. Chapter 9:  Spatial Inequality in Mexico City
Friday - Geoterms 9 (Due Monday)

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Weekly Update (May 3 - 7)

Monday - Introduce Amazon Rainforest Project (T-P-E assignment due Wed.)
Tuesday - Junior Achievement
Wednesday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)
Thursday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)
Friday - Work on Projects (Project due Monday)

*The Amazon Rainforest project is worth 200 points in class (same as a test).  Please make sure your child is working on this at home, if needed.  If it is late, they will lose 60 points on the assignment.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Rubber Tappers - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Cattle Ranchers - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Loggers - Misison Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Settlers - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Enviromentalists - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information. If you have questions, post them here. Not sure of where to find something, post it. If you know the answers to those questions, post them here. Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website. Use this tool for collaboration. Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Native Amazonian - Mission Control

Mission Control is where you can go to find help and share information.  If you have questions, post them here.  Not sure of where to find something, post it.  If you know the answers to those questions, post them here.  Found the answer to a wanted question, post the website.  Use this tool for collaboration.  Have fun with it, but please keep it about the ARF research project.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Creek Water to Drinking Water

For the next month, students will be making daily trips to the local creek to gather water.  Students have created a biosand water filter that they are testing out.  It takes 2+ weeks for the biological layer of the filter to become established.  Once established, this layer will clean the bad bacteria that is found in the creek water.  Students have been working hard on this project and have been having fun along the way.

Alex P. is collecting water from the creek for the biosand water filter.

Miss DeTavernier's Last Week

This is the last week that Miss DeTavernier will be in our social studies class.  I have been encouraging students to make a card or letter to give to Miss D. on Friday.  Another way to thank Miss D. is to add a positive comment to this blog post. 
  • Tell her something that you remember.
  • Tell her what you liked about her teaching. 
  • Find your own way to say thanks.

Weekly Update (April 19 - 23)

Monday - Video Clips on Amazon Rainforest
Tuesday - Junior Achievement
Wednesday - Introduce Amazon Rainforest Research Project
Thursday - Amazon Research
Friday - Amazon Research

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Weekly Update (April 12 - 16)

Monday - Intro. Ch. 12 - Amazon Rainforest
Tuesday - Geoterms 12 (Due Wednesday)
Wednesday - Amazon Rainforest Group Meeting / Notes
Thursday - Start to Prepare for News Report / Notes
Friday - Finish Preparing for News Report

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bubble Gum Competition Winners

Here are the winners from the Bubble Gum Competition today.  Students raised over $1,000 today alone.  Congrats winners.

Fastest Bubble - Jake M., Barbie R., Mollie H., and Randy W.
Largest Bubble - Sydney R., Jonathan T., Lexi H., and Jared G.
Loudest Smack - Kyle S., Brandy O., Mollie H., and Tiffany T.
Sucker Competition - Michael S., Jonathan T., Katie R., Carley A., and Caleb E.
Most Bubbles in a Minute - Infinity T., Barbie R., Ethan E., and Jake R.
Most Gum and Still Blow a Bubble - Sasha S., Barbie R., Ethan E., and Jake R.

Monday, March 29, 2010

What are your plans for Spring Break?

The first three students to respond to this question will receive candy.  See Mr. Tidey for your candy.

Helping Haiti

I am so proud of the students in Sparta Middle School.  The studetns have surpassed their goal for this  year.  They raised more money than any other sixth grade class.  Great job 6th graders!

  • Pfahler # 1 $295.37
  • Pfahler # 2 $429.03
  • Pfahler # 3 $319.91
  • Tidey #1 $375.12
  • Tidey #2 $356.23
  • Tidey #3 $444.70
  • Tidey #4 $427.92
  • Teachers $505.00
  • School $1,519.00
  • Total $4,672.28

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Weekly Update (March 15 - 19)

Monday - Complete Challenge #1
Tuesday - Present Cornell Notes on Latin America
Wednesday - Finish Cornell Notes on Latin America / Challenge #2
Thursday - Start Challenge #3
Firday - Finish Challenge #3

March Madness Brackets are Due Thursday by Lunch

If you are going to participate in the free NCAA basketball tournament competition, you must have your brackets to Mr. Tidey by lunch on Thursday.  Since the basketball tournament starts at noon, I will not be able to take any brackets after that point.  If you lost your bracket, you may print one at  Good Luck!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Weekly Update (March 8 - 12)

Monday - Jeopardy Review for Chapter 8 Test

Tuesday - Chapter 8 Test

Wednesday - Introduce New Region: LATIN AMERICA

Thursday - Jigsaw Activity on Latin America

Friday - Challenge #1: Latin America's Physical Features

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

6th Graders to Compete in Sparty Cup

For the first time since the inception of the Sparty Cup, sixth graders are going to be a part of the school competition. Grades earn points during class competitions throughout the month of March. Below is a list of the activities planned.

March 5th – Favorite Quote Day (Students decorate/write out their favorite quote to put on their locker)
March 12th – Hat Day (Students wear school appropriate hats.)
March 19th – College Shirt Day
March 16, 17, 18 – Sign ups for games at lunch
March 23 and 24 – Can Food Drive (Bringing in cans/boxes of food earns points for you grade)
March 23, 24 and 25 – Brain Game (One student from each grade level will be called down to compete in a research challenge in the Media Center.)
March 26 – Read a shirt day – Wear a shirt with words on it. All words must be school appropriate.
March 30 – Door decoration will be judged – Overall winner gets Sparty Cup points for grade
March 29 – 6th grade Freeze the Scene – contest judged in the gym during advisory
March 30 – 7th grade Freeze the Scene – contest judged in the gym during advisory
March 31st – Color Day (Sixth grade students wear WHITE)
Sparty Cup Assembly (1:30 p.m. - End of day)

Weekly Update (March 1 - 5)

Monday - Started Immigrant Interviews

Tuesday - Finish Immigrant Interviews

Wednesday - How does immigration affect U.S.? / How does emigration affect the countries left behind?

Thursday - Global Connections

Friday - Study Guide / Study Strategy (Vocabulary Wheel)

The test on Chapter 8 will be on Tuesday, March 8. The study guide with answers is posted on the blog.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Haiti Fundraiser Starting Soon

Our annual Haiti fundraiser is starting soon (March 23 - March 30). Students will be encouraged to find ways to help the people in Haiti. Students have already learned that Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere. Students at Sparta Middle School have been raising money for Haiti for the past eight years. Over this time, students have raised $13,144.85 for Haiti. There are two main organizations that our efforts support. The first is the United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR). Through UMCOR, we support the Haiti Hot Lunch Program. The second organization that we support is Pure Water for the World. This organization manufactures and installs bio sand water filters in Haiti. Below are two links that explain what these two programs are doing in Haiti. If you have any questions, please let me know.

Haiti Hot Lunch Program

Pure Water for the World

Weekly Update (Feb. 22 - 26)

Monday - Introduce Chapter 8

Tuesday - Geoterms 8 (Due Thursday)

Wednesday - Migration Push & Pull Factors

Thursday - Prepare for Immigrant Interviews

Friday - Finish Preparing for Immigrant Interviews

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Weekly Update (Feb. 16-19)

Monday - No School
Tuesday - Complete GDP Cartagram (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Global Connection / Fill out study guide (Study for Test)
Thursday - Review Game for Test (Study for Test)
Friday - Chapter 7 Test

Monday, February 8, 2010

Weekly Update (February 8 - 12)

Monday - Introduce Cartagram / Start Food Consumption
Tuesday - Finish Food Consumption / Start Oil Consumption
Wednesday - Finish Oil Consumption / Start Computer Consumption
Thursday - Finish Computer Consumption / Start GDP
Friday - Finish GDP / Start Global Connections

It looks like we will have a test next week Wednesday. Students already have their study guides.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Chapter 5 Test Results

Study Guide Signed / Study Guide Not Signed
A 35 / 4
B 18 / 4
C 13 / 13
D 2 / 5
E 3 / 11

81% Passed

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Weekly Update (February 1 - 5)

Monday - Finish Urban Sprawl in Atlanta, GA. Filled out study guide
Tuesday - Jeopardy Review for Test
Wednesday - Chapter 5 Test
Thursday - Introduce Chapter 7 Migration Patterns
Friday - Geoterms 7 (Due Monday)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Student Led Conferences

Parents, please remember that student led conferences are Tuesday(Jan. 26) and Wednesday (Jan. 27) from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. Conferences are done in an open house format, so stop by and see how your child is doing in school. Hope to see everyone there.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Update (January 25 - 29)

Monday - Urban Sprawl - Start Portland, OR
Tuesday - Urban Sprawl - Finish Portland, OR
Wednesday - Urban Sprawl - Start Toronto, Ontario
Thursday - Urban Sprawl - Finish Toronto, Ontario
Friday - Urban Sprawl - Start Atlanta, GA

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Weekly Update (January 18 - 22)

Monay - Go Over Test /Introduce Chapter 5
Tuesday - Geoterms 5 (Due Wednesday)
Wednesday - Start 5.4 Urban Sprawl in Portland, Oregon
Thursday - No School
Friday - No School

Monday, January 18, 2010

Chapter 3 Test Results

Study Guide Signed / Study Guide Not Signed

A 25 students (58%) 15 students(22%)
B 7 students (16%) 21 students (31%)
C 10 students(22%) 15 students (22%)
D 1 student (1%) 6 students (9%)
E 1 student (1%) 11 students (16%)

Total Passed = 83%

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Weekly Update (January 11 - 15)
Monday - Canada's Economic Activity
Tuesday - Global Connections (Study for Test)
Wednesday - Study Guide / Word Sort (Study for Test)
Thursday - Jeopardy Review for Test (Study for Test)
Friday - Chapter 3 Test